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[…] Perry Zavitz. J a mes Wren , Chairman of the James J. Bradley Memorial Award Committee , made the presentation to the Automobile Reference Collection at the Free Library of Philadelphia . In accepting the award, Lo uis Helverson, Curator, paid tribute : “to.. his p redecessor, Miss Mary Cattie, and to his assistant, […]


[…] he barely eked out a victory over a Torpedo in the five-mile handicap race and was just ahead of an Indian at the finish of the ten-mile freefor-all event. At the Emeryville rac es continued 011 page 15 Thomas S. Jakups, Editor W elcome to the first journal of 200 3. As you wi.ll […]


[…] at 6:00a.m ., at w hich time bu yers are usually awa itin g them. Parkin g and adm iss io n , as usual , are free. Vendor s sh o uld co ntac t Bill Lew is as soon as possibl e to det erm ine sp ace availabi lity. Bill m […]


[…] I would like to raise some doubt  whether pre-merger Chrysler really  was in such a good shape as Mr.  McPhee emphasizes. My impression  always was that for many years  Chrysler had been a company on the  margin with an extremely volatile  business performance. I strongly support Mr. McPhee’s  suggestion that the SAH Journal is a  good platform for discussing subjects  like the present and would like to  read more about other opinions. Letters From: John Satterthwaite Lafayette Hill, PA Your editorial, “The Best Car Ever?”  in SAH Journal 241 awakened an  inert urge to speak up about a subject  I have known and studied most of  my 79 years. I used to believe the  Porsche 356 series were “the best,”  then one 911 after another. Even the  Boxster models, to me, were close  to  perfection. Yet, the Miata MX-5  has been such a joy to drive, at an  affordable insurance rate, that “the  best” has changing qualities, and  relates to my wallet’s contents. So, I’m  sending thoughts from my experiences.  The best car, ever? Was that to mean  surpassing all others? Was that to outdo  all others? In what? Was that to create  the utmost changes in lives of people  around the world? It is obvious one  size, or category, does not fi t all. For  example, Rolls-Royce was for many  decades the ultimate pride of English  craftsmen. However, relatively few  could afford so many luxurious options  in a Rolls-Royce, and they were not  intended to win racing competitions.  By comparison, Benz and Daimler  raced to prove durability of their cars,  and established the “Mercedes” as the  winning name in automobiles.  Meanwhile, the Ford Model T  surpassed the production of all others  and succeeded in putting millions of  people on wheels, after more than two  millenia of transportation by horses.  […]


[…] any formal connection between the Society and the DPL or the NAHC. THE CUGNOT AWARDS The Cugnot Award Committee, made up of Mary Cattie of the Philadelphia Free Library, Howard Applegate and Irving Page 1 Seltzer, have made their selections for the book and article(s) which they feel are the outstanding examples of automotive […]


[…] the dinner. For an evening of good food, fun and fellowship , plus a little serious business, plan now to attend this annual event! Issue Number 92 FREE LIBRARY OF PHILADELPHIA TO RECEIVE JAMES J. BRADLEY AWARD HERSHEY, PA, August 15, 1984.-The Automobile Reference Collection of The Free Library of Philadelphia will receive the […]


[…] grounds Thursday and catch the Car Show on Saturday In between I thor- J Q~.rn!l ,l Issue 201 November-December 2002 Officers Dale K. Wells Joseph S . Freeman Michael L. Berger Christopher C. Foster President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Board of Directors Th r ough O cto be r 2 00 3 James J. […]


[…] in as Chalmers’ chiefengineer, andwould also eventually takeover Coffin’s position as second vicepresident atOlds. This time, Dunham inherited abetter product line. Theoriginal Coffin”Forty” hadbeen worked intoarelatively fastand reliable auto, butat$2750 itssales were limited. In June 1908. dealer shipments ofthe Model F”New Chalmers Detroit”24hp began. Afterthefirst batch, the”Fs” be- came “Thirties,” andproduction andsales were stillclimbing. […]

SAHJ199 Inside Ed itorial Comment 2 President ‘s Perspective 3 “Louis Renault 4 and His American Visitor” by Taylor Vinson “H enry Ford 5 of Fa rm T ractor Fame” by Max Gregory Book Reviews 7 Elcar and Pratt Automobiles: The Complete Story The Wankel Rotary Engine: A History Getting the Bugs Out The […]


[…] might be a better first stop than the relevant encyclopedia. And it’s a good read, too. -Kit Foster SAH Journal welcomes advertisements from members . Ads are free, and should concern items of interest to historians : books, literature , photographs, illustrations, memorabilia, information, for sale, wanted, to trade. Ads for vehicles or parts […]


[…] finished product and by the time the little car was really ready, the public had tired of the whole concept. Frederickson did not tire that easily and for the next 14 years, he worked and perfected a design for a solid small car. The main ingredient, money, was the one out­ standing problem. He […]


[…] cance, if one is to truly understand the  place of the automobile in American life. You can get these journal  articles on the JSTOR database, typically available online at many  public libraries. If you have diffi  culty acquiring them let me know  and I will send you a hard copy. I just hope not many of you respond  to this offer!   Here are three of my top choices. To begin with, I can think  of no better introductory essay—although now somewhat dated  (like many of us!)—than James Flink’s “Three Stages of American  Automobile Consciousness,” in the  American Quarterly, 24 (October,  1972), pages 451-473. Flink pulls things together so that the reader  sees the forest, which puts our own scholarly interests in better  perspective. A second article that shifts the focus of the history of  the automobile from innovators and manufacturers to users is Peter  Norton’s “Street Rivals: Jaywalking and the Invention of the Motor  Age Street,” in Technology and Culture, 2007, pages 331-359. Ever  wonder where the term jaywalker comes from? This article will  answer that question and far more. A fi  nal short read that I would  recommend is Cotton Seiler’s, “Statist Means to Individualist Ends:  Subjectivity, Automobility, and the Cold War State,” in American  Studies, 44:3 (Fall, 2003), pages 5-36. Despite the imposing title, this  work does an excellent job of outlining some of the contradictions  associated with the notion of the automobile as a  freedom machine  in post-WWII America. Seiler opens the door to an imaginative  view of automobile history, whether you agree with him or not.   I have plenty more readings to share with you, if your appetite  is now whetted. I also have in my fi les a good number of readings  that will deaden your mind, particularly useful if you have insomnia.  Let me know what you are looking for and perhaps I can suggest  something before better weather is here and driving time takes the  place of time spent reading on my couch. I wish all of you a shorter  winter and early spring!   On a wholly different topic, the Society needs folks to step up  and participate in our various activities. If you are an academic, join  me on the Academic Committee. If your gift is in the area of hos- pitality, get involved when the SAH comes to Hershey in October.  Or perhaps you would like to serve on one of the award commit- tees—we certainly need readers who have foreign language skills.  And there is always a need for contributors—to the SAH Journal in  terms of book reviewers, or in terms of short essays and photo pieces.  Member  Louis Fourie is now heading up our website, and is looking  for worthy content. If at all possible consider attending our  Biennial History Conference at Stanford, April10-12. Arthur Jones has put  together a strong program that includes a number of distinguished  […]


[…] Moss, 195711958 two volumes; Homes on Wheels , Michael Aaron Rockland , 1980; Roll Your Own, Pallidini and Dubin, 1974; Galloping Bungalows, David Thornburg , 1991; Home Free, Fiona Cun ningham, 1994; other books and magazines concerning the history of the motorhome and trailer. C hris Bu rlace, 6 Ro o kes Close , […]


[…] it should be recognized that both quality and content may vary widely. This listing makes no pre­ tense of being complete, nor is it expected to be free of errors. The author would welcome further information on such lapses. The magazines are listed alphabetically, with the place of publication and the years during which […]


[…] In 1958 he be­ came curator of the Montagu Motor Museum (now the National Motor Museum at Beaulieu) where he remained until 1966, when he turned to free-lance writing. Since that time he had written a dozen books, co-authored others, and completed literally hundreds of articles surrounding the motor car and its history. In […]


[…] that a copy of the book or article be made available to the Awards Committee . Please check with Miss Mary Cattie, Automobile Reference Collection , Philadelphia Free Library , Logan Square , Philadelphia , PA 19103, to see if the library has a copy . If not , please send her a copy […]


[…] start searching your shelves or attic for books, literature, or items of automotive memorabilia that you no longer need (or should get rid of so as to free up space for holiday gifts). You may ship your contributions to Jim Schild now. Perhaps the greatest excitement will surround our first-ever Automotive History Conference. The […]


[…] duties of the directors . Members of the Board of Directors are asked to hold Friday, February 11, 1983 , for a meeting in the Skyline Room, Free Library of Philadelphia , Logan Square, Philadelphia , Pa . Formal notices will be issued later. Two books written by SAH member John Gunnell have been […]


[…] Liaison Committee. These, respectively , will be responsible for listing major collections of research material, cataloguing specific publi­ cations , indexing given publications, gathering contemp­ orary ( free) auto press material, and providing liaison between the SAH and other auto-related groups –the SAE, MVMA, AOT , the automakers themselves, and so forth. This is […]


[…] United States. NewYork: Oxford Uni- versity Press. Karaczun, DanielA.(1992, October). Ethnographic Survey of Rankin. RiversofSteel. Homestead, Pennsylvania: Riv- ers ofSteel Heritage National HeritageArea.<http://www. ri _uploads/fi les/rankin-final-report. pdf>, accessed November 3, 20 I O. Lazare, Daniel(200 I). America s Undeclared War:What:. Killing OurCities andHow WeCan Stop It. New York: Har- court Inc. Muller, Edward […]