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[…] a reference for each entry in the roster, and publish it. For a single man to do all this for both car and truck lists simultaneously is simply prohibitive. After all there are only 24 hours in a day and I could use about 50-60 hours a day already. (Our editor has that same […]


[…] attrac ting pro spec tive new members . It is important that b o th membe rs and strangers entering the tent be greeted and have their questions about the Society an swe red. Member s are asked to volun t eer an hour or two to assist at the hospitality tent. We understand […]


[…] work on the problem. At the same time, the NEWSLETTER will ~ndeavor to keep the members aware and informed of what is going on. Any member with questions or commen ts on the subject is urged to write to. the NEWSLETTER Editor and/or the Chairman of the Professional Standards Committee. PLAGIARISM AND OUR RUBBERY […]


[…] 455), during that period, but returned to the hyphen in 1950 and for a while afterwards. This type of thing may seem like nit-picking, but it is simPly an attempt at historical accuracy, and history is nearly useless without accuracy. ‘1-lould you refer to a oar as a 1923 Mercedes-Benz! Of course not! Automatically, […]


[…] Jr., Treasur er 10 Brya n Ave nue Ma 1 vern, Pennsy lvani a 19355 As you know, the S.A.H. has been planning to give an award for outstanding published work in the field of automotive history. This award will be based upon originality and depth of research, and is intended to encourage the […]


[…] leav es us wondering what really stirred him. He intended to do more than make a lot of money and be known as a success, as these objectives were quickly reached. We are left still curious about his intriguing personality. After reading and enjoying the book I am full of regret that it will […]


[…] isascooter? Adefinition, otherthanthe”Biker Bar” definition, isin order here.”Function: noun.Date: 1919:alow 2- or3-wheeled automotive vehicleresembling achild’s scooter and having aseat sothat therider doesnotstraddle theengine.'” According toan extensive onlinefrequently-asked questions page (FAQ) “about scooters byVespa, Honda, Lambretta, Yamaha andothers …”,scooter: … refers moreproperly toa”motorscooter,” which”a subclass ofmotorcycles utiIizing adistinctive structural design. Thesearegenerally two-wheeled vehiclesoriginally based onmotorized […]


[…] Steam andwater tight. Shield furnished eeparately withbeautifully engraved initial orfrater~al emblem, whiohaddsatouoh of distinction tothe fin~at makecar. A Cood Acee••ory to Handle, WithCood Profit Write Today for Sample. and Propoaition Originator. ofthe Radiator BarCap I NEWSAFETICAP FORFORD CARS I Has same locking reatureasMonogram Cap,but18 furnished withouttheshield. Listprice. $4.25. I Sold byAmerioa’. leadin&,jobbers JOB BE […]

Contact the SAH

[…] Rubén L. Verdés (SAH payments) Society of Automotive Historians Journal – Rubén L. Verdés Automotive History Review – Mark Howell Webmaster – David McGee ————– Please contact the President with questions or comments about the SAH. Please contact the Treasurer regarding payments.  Problem with the website? Write the Webmaster. Read More about the Society 1905 Haynes-Apperson Touring


[…] to m e thathappen. This article willexamine one pect ofthis modernization process:theautomobile industry.Thepurpose is to investigate andbriefly describe thehistory ofautomobile industry inthe Soviet Unionfrom1917to1953. Inthe process, these questions willbeaddressed. First,”What werethefeelings and policies ofLenin andStalin toward theauto industry and how didthey differ?” Andsecondly, “W thereadistinctly Russian autoindustry?” The historian researching thistopic isbeset by incompleteness, […]


[…] 5 Queen Ann Drive, 0 istine Manor Newa.rtc., Delaware 19711 RICHARD B. BRIGHM , Yiee-Preddent 136 Park Lane, N. E. MArietta, Georqia 30060 A CHANGE OF TIME FOR THE HERSHEY MEETING – GUY P. SEELEY, JR •• Secretary/Treasurer 271 StaNIIIOre Road Baltis-ore. Maryland 21211 The second annual Hershey meeting of the S.A.H. was scheduled […]

Presentations from the 2023 Argetsinger Symposium now available

[…] Motorsports. There were 18 live presentations, four pre-recorded presentations, and a keynote address on Watkins Glen at 75 by former driver Rob Dyson. Videos of the presentations are available here  and here. After watching a video, you can send questions for the presenter to the IMRRC. Your questions will forwarded to the presenter for replies.


[…] issues. The SAH has been offered a part of the proceeds from this sale, so your purchase also helps support the SAH. After reviewing the website, any questions could be directed to Louis Fourie at: SAH Journal No. 284 • -anuary / February 2017 SAH Journal No. 284 • January / February 2017 […]


[…] Automotive History Review to play a role that no other publication does, and thereby add to the distinction of SAH as a worldwide organization. My premise is simply that there exists a body of automotive histo ry that would be of interest and value to us but which is inaccessible to most of our […]


[…] proud – to get to know people like Don Keefe and Dennis David. I want to thank the many people who have helped me with my re search and I look forward to helping others in the future, as was SAH’s original intention . I’ve enjoyed visiting museums and collections in Los Angeles; St. […]

Z. Taylor Vinson (1933-2009)

[…] was a high value book — and here it was a freebie for me. He sent me a lot of the early Ferrari stuff. I got two answers to this little ad. The Dutch collector was one. The other was a German family. They weren’t really interested in automobiles, but they wanted to practice […]


[…] Kettering, andthe’Fuel ofthe Future'” isthe longest articlethath ever appeared inthe Review. Itb ically isthe history ofthe technological, economic and political contextofthe use ofalcohol fuels inthe United Sta testhrough the 1930s. Igot socaught upinitthat I couldn’t bringmyself towield theblue pencil morethanlightly, somuch ofit w new. DrKovarik isAssistant Professor, Department ofMedia Studies, Radford University, Radford,Va. Because […]


November-December 1994 HISTORY CHANNEL DEBUTS WITH AUTO SERIES In what may be a first for our field, aut om otive histo ry will deliver the appeara nc e of a new educatio n and entert ainm ent medium . The History Channel, a part o f th e A&E Television Networks, will d eb […]

SAH Award Winners

[…] Godshall, published in Collectible Automobile. 2007 “Breaking the Mold: NASCAR at Road America, 1956,” by Greg Fielden, published in Collectible Automobile. Award of Distinction – “Standing the Test of Time: The Continuing Story of the Packard Proving Grounds,” by Gary Witzenburg, published in Collectible Automobile. 2006 “Lucky Goes to Camp,” by William Oosthoek, published […]


[…] comfort than at present . Carriages will be moved by a strange and beaut­ iful and simple admixture of aqueous and atmospheric gases -so easily condensed, so simply ignited, and so imparted by a machine somewhat resembling our engines, as to be entirely concealed and managed between the forward wheels … The first requisite […]