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[…] two oval rearwindows. Inearly 1927, the Nash wasreplaced byanAuburn 8-88 “Brougham.” Thiswasadefinite improvement! Ithink thecar was are- titled 1926(Fig.4). The Auburn Automobile Co. was considered somewhatofarevolving door fordesign andengineering personnel. Atmy level, thiswas mani- fested bynew anddifferent pupilsat school. Somewould bearound fortwo or three years andwould disappear. Cornelius vanRanst, Jr.and Sr.lived up the alley […]


[…] another for the outstanding mag­ azine article. The award is open to any member of the Society of Automotive Historians. Sug­ gestions, recommendations and proposals may be freely made by any member on his own behalf of any other memb~r. Such nominations should be received no later than June 1, in order to provide […]


[…] . Barr and Ca rl F . Ba chle . T he tw o famous engineers got into tE spiri t of things and ta lk ed free ly . Do ug Ba kken gave a mou th watering quick tour of the Ford Arch ives be for e the m ee ting ended […]


[…] itted during the past five years were of ge n era lly good quality and refl ect cre dit on the s tud ent s who re searched an d wrote th em . I also wo u ld be r emi ss if I did n o t ex press hea rtfe lt […]


[…] that, toa greater extentthaninthe first two conferences, therew more participation, more goodhumor, moreinformation imparted inthese interchanges whichtook place against thebackdrop ofthe Santa Monica mountains onthe clear, smog- free d s ofMarch 10and IIofthis year. It will beachallenge toSAH andNAAM to top thethird conference. As with Review No.32and Review No.34,the contributions ofthe presenters arerepresented inthis […]


[…] sem inar was conduc ted by Frank Rob inson (then SA H pres ident), Hen ry Austin Clark, Dave Brownell, Lou Helve rson o f the Philadelphia Free Librar y, Charles Betts, Howard Applegat e , a nd the we ll-known automotive arti st John Peckham. It’s b ee n a long time s […]


[…] ambulance intime, well–it wasa simple matter tomake minor changes suchasremoving the cross insigne (theambulance motif)andadding dark curtains, plumesandsuch forthe obsequies whichwould be held intwo orthree days.Theproblem wasto perfect a vehicle whichcouldgettothe hospital asquickly aspossible and, bythe same token, headafuneral procession atslow speed inthe heat ofsummer withoutboilingover.Wolfe solved thatproblem andMeteor ambulances, hearsesand combination vehicleswereingreat demand. […]


[…] ENGINES SWEEPSTAKES MODEL Th~ P”cklud SweepstAkes Model JHU demonstrated Itll fight to flt’St place Qmon~ all morine en~inel’l. Packard BabyGar,equipped withaPack”rd Sweepstakee Model Marine engine mAde 11 perfect ,olCore inthe Wood- F;sher Trophy Racee 31 Dctroit. September 1922.hniehin’i second. Fiutplace wastaken byanother BabyGarof eimllar .ize but400 Ibe. li”hler in weiitht. andpowered by a motor […]


[…] Contestants Recall the Great General Motors Talent Search, pub- lished 2012. —Ed. SAH Journal No. 256 Electronic Edition 12 To order, go to, or call toll- free 800-253-2187. McFarla nd 263 pages $35 softcover (7 ×10) 251 photos, tables, appendix, notes, bibliography, index ISBN 978-0-7864-6934-5 Ebook ISBN 978-0-7864-9193-3 his is the first book […]


[…] for all membership categories, just click on “Join/Renew/ Search” on the menu). A digital member receives the bimonthly SAH Journal and the Automotive History Review as downloadable PDF files via email and will not receive hard copies in the mail. However, the digital versions of these publications are available and sent while the printing […]


[…] identification. These two are from motion picture studiofiles andare clear proof. if nny is needed. thatthings arenot always whattheyseem to be. Look verycarefully atthe touring car be fore you decide what itis. The racing car isnotable for being doubly disguised. Close observation revealsit as one of the cars raced as Reveres about1920.The movie people […]


[…] Board ofDirectors until Oct. 1999 Patrick R.Foster Leslie M.Kendall Michael Lamm until Oct.2000 Frederick D.Roe Richard P.Scharchburg Samuel V.Fiorani until Oct.200I Paul N.Lashbrook Leroy D.Cole Joseph S. Freeman Publications Committee Richard P.Scharchburg, Chair Patrick R.Foster Christopher G.Foster Samuel V.Fiorani Michael Lamm Taylor Vinson Copyright 1999,TheSociety ofAutomotive Historians, Inc.,allrights reserved. All correspondence inconjunction withAutomotive History […]


[…] Car Society and its goals are invitied to send a long, stamped, self-addressed envelope to M.C.S. at 2422 Inglewood North, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55405. They will receive a free sample of the latest newsletter and complete membership information. SAH Newsletter No. 23 – Page 11 BQOK REVIEWS HANDBOOK OF GASOLINE AUTOMOBILES 1904-1906 HANDBOOK OF AUTOMOBILES […]


[…] the print it seems four models were made, a roadster, victoria coupe, sedan, and touring car. A few years ago I acquired on permanent loan, a wooden mock up of a Franklin that was a prototype of an economy ca r the Franklin company called the model Z. Although a few of the actual […]


[…] & Beauty: Cars From the Ralph Lauren Collection, which he coauthored  with Beverly Rae Kimes. Did I mention his  photography? (See:   This is a book you can open and ingest  parts at a time, or just lose yourself in for  hours. Currently offered at reduced price,  this is your chance to own this “hyperbook.” —R. Verdés To order, go to, or call toll- free 800-253-2187. McFarla nd $39.95 softcover (7 Â¥10) Ca. 120 photos, appendix, notes, bibliography, index ISBN 978-0-7864-9918-2 Ebook ISBN 978-1-4766-2404-4 2016 ow many drivers today can identif […]


[…] of the swit ches , all indicate that the. misprint in the literature really was made t wenty or more times. “J & B” Magnetos and Coils Perfect Electrically and Mechanically JACOBSON-BRANDOW COMPANY PITTSFIELD, MASS. -‘estern Sale~ Office, <11<1 Bowl es Building, Detroit, Michigan Canadian Represe ntativ e, John Forman, Montreal New York Sales […]


[…] was truly a wooooooooo! moment. Leroy Cole , with wife , Cora , proudly shows plaque naming him SAH Friend of Automotive History 2005. SAH President Joe Freeman (l) with President-elec t Mi ke B erger The fall Board meeting at the AACA Library and Research Center featured the dedi­ cation of the Ralph […]


[…] meets start early, and thi s o ne is no excep tion: sellin g b egins at6 AM . P arkin g is ava ilabl e and free, a sh ort w alk away on Hill Av enu e beyond the te nni s courts. To rese rv e sellin g spaces, cont ac […]


[…] in tum sold it to Glenn Mounger of Seattle, five years later. Mr. Mounger says today that the 1951 conversion by Wegeforth was, from an engineering standpoint, perfect. “Engineering genius” is the way Wegeforth is described by more than one restorer today. Cosmetically, however, the car fell somewhat short of potential when Mounger acquired […]


[…] THE MEMBERSHIP AT THF” AN~’UAL MEF.rll !G, OCTOBER $1 1978 , HERSHEY, PA. 1o On behalf of all members attending, the president thanked Rosemory & Bill Jackson for arr anging the annual meeting. 2. The Board of Directors approved a petition of the •. member!’hip to make three of the Society’s founders honorary members& […]