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[…] US SAH Journal1R‡1RYHPEHU’HFHPEHU 2 Contents PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE THE CAR THAT STRUCK A CORD THE END OF THE YEAR GATHERING GM AND THE GREAT WAR PART 1 BOOK REVIEWS WHEELS IN TIME SAH Journal ISSUE 295 • November/December 2018 3 4 7 8 11 15 12/12/14/16/18/110/1 Jan/Feb Mar/AprMay/JunJul/AugSep/OctNov/Dec 1/31 3/315/317/319/3011/30 Deadline: Mailed: Issue: Submission Deadlines: […]


[…] same time, General Motors of Canada took on the distribution of Saab, following GM’s half-interest purchase in that company. (Saab dealers sued GM of Canada as a result.) So, the former Passport dealers became Saturn-Saab-Isuzu dealers, and have done better. Meanwhile, Chevrolet dealers continued to handle the Sprint, and Pontiac dealers the Firefly country-wide […]


[…] enclose biographical sheet and letter from Andy Grana- . telli announcing my recent selection as winner of the annual American Auto Racing Writers & Broadcasters Association con test. I thought it might be he lpful to you if you had this info rmation in hand now so that when the time came for the […]


[…] its officers and a number of its members , was granted by Judge Fox of supe­ rior court last week to the Napier Motor Co., as a result of the labor troubles growing out of differences arising from the maintenance of an “open shop” at the factory of the peti­ tioner in Jamaica Plain, […]


[…] Willys-Knight exceeded5,000unitstwoyears later-more thanthesales ofall other Knight licenses combined. Charles Knightcontinued tomake improvements tohis original design,manyofwhich wereincorporated intosuccess- ive Willys-Knight models.Earlyonitwas discovered thatcon- tinued operation ofsleeve-valve engines resulted inaquantum increase inboth power andperformance. Thiswastraceable to a buildup ofcarbon between thepistons andsleeves resulting in higher compression ratios.Capitalizing onthis, Willys-Over- land wasable toclaim something fewother automakers […]


[…] was printed, suggestions for expanding and improv­ ing the 1972 edition began to arrive –and they are most welcome. Your comment and criticism is invited, and the result will be a bigger and better directory next year. ———————————————————————— ————NEW MEMBERS – W. Louis Barmmer , 194 Huntington Road, Stratford, Conn. 06497 Jan P. Norbye, […]


[…] rearcover, Robert N.Tuthill. Back Issues ofAutomotive HistoryReview We can offer setsofthe 21issues remaining instock (numbers 1,3,4,5,6,7,8, 10,11,12, 13,14, IS,16,22,23,24,26,27,28,29,) for$70.00 inU.S. funds postpaid inthe USA. Additional shipping costsforshipping outsidetheU.S.A willbequoted oninquiry toaddress below.Thislist supersedes allearlier listsandprices, whicharenolonger valid.Arrangements canbemade tohave out-of-print issuesreproduced bycopier (forpersonal useonly, notforresale). Ordersand/orinquires should besent toFred Roe, 837Winter Street,Holliston, MA01746-1159. […]


[…] “BUNKIE” KNUDSEN (1913-1998) His father was president of General Motors and he appeared to follow. He turned Pontiac from a stodgy brand into one of the hot test marques in America. He then became the head of the Chevrolet division. In 1967 , he seeme d to reach his destiny . When someone else […]


[…] Notice: The S.A.H.B. Michael Sedgwick Award. The Society  of Automotive Historians in Britain inaugurated their Michael  Sedgwick Award in 2011. Given annually in the name of the much  respected motoring author, the late Michael Sedgwick, the S.A.H.B.  Awards Panel invites nominations for books specifi  cally about aspects  of motoring in Britain. The winning book will demonstrate excel- lence in its research, presentation, readability and novelty, and will  materially further our understanding of the subject.   To enhance this S.A.H.B. award, the Michael Sedgwick Memo- rial Trust will also give a £250 honorarium to the recipient.     Nominations are due by July 1st each year for books published  in the previous twelve months. The winner is announced and the  award presented at the October seminar and AGM of the Society  of Automotive Historians of Britain ( The  book must be in the English language. Send nominations to the chair  of the MSA panel, Dr. Craig Horner, at Secure postage arranged at  cost from Australia. The free inventory  is available from Bruce Lindsay, email SAH Journal • July / August 2013 4 DIRECTORY NOTICE The following pages are devoted to a draft membership directory. The purpose of this draft directory, in addition to  its utility, is to give each member the opportunity to review, update and correct their respective membership data, in  anticipation of producing a fully developed directory in the future with the most current and accurate data. (Note:  a future directory will employ an editor’s further review and formatting, e.g., here, the names are not presented in  a “surname, fi rst” format, given the purpose of this iteration and the benefi ts of producing it expeditiously.) ACTION REQUESTED: Please take a moment to fi nd your entry, review it and follow the instructions below to make any desired updates.  Each member’s entry “space” on the database is designed to hold name, address, phone, email and “interests”—a  section of free-form text to let members know about your automotive interests. While “interests” is a free text fi eld,  please review your text with an eye to communicate as concisely as you can about your interests, while noting that  when a full directory is produced in the future, there will be an index of interests. The more concise your “inter- ests” text is, the more it can be indexed. If your interests and expertise include specifi c marques, include those,  separating each “interest” with a coma. For additional clarity, you may want to review a past directory’s interests  index to see how those topics and subjects are broken down. […]


[…] Event provides tent sp ace to about twenty vendors, and outside space to about twenty more. Spaces are 1 O’ wide and 15′ deep , a nd cost $20 for the under-tent spaces and $15 for the outs ide spaces. Spaces ca n be occupied as ea rly as 8:30 AM on the day […]


[…] andfinal sembly. Packardbodieshadbeen manuf~lctured byBriggs Manufacturing Companysince1941. However, in1953 Briggs solditsautomotive faciliticsto Chrysler Corporation andPackard w faced withhaving to m e itsown bodies forthe 1955 model year.Asa result, Packard acquired aplant onConner Avenue inDetroit from Chrysler underafive-year le eagreement withoption to Table 2 Packard MotorCarCompany DollarSalesandProfits 1946-1959″ (Millions ofDollars) Auto Profit e Year Sales […]


[…] tofeel, thatthebusiness wasasmuch Oshawa’s asitwas ours. IfOshawa’s motor industry becameaGeneral Motorsoperation, expansionandemployment opportunities were assured. Ifwe had toventure intomaking acar ofour own inCanada, failureandunemploy- 9 mentmight well result.” The GMdirectors attachedonecondition: thatMr.~1cLaughlin andh brother stay onand runthebusiness. n.s. r·1cLaughlin becaI:lepresident ofGeneral flotors of Canada andh brother, George,vice-president, aposition heheld unti h retirement in1924. Inthat […]


[…] When the editor is satisfi  ed that  the article is publishable, she or he  chooses a peer reviewer and submits  the article for comment.   The editor oversees the  production, printing, and mailing of  the Review, choosing the production  staff and the printer, who submit  invoices to the treasurer for payment.  The editor mails two complimentary  copies to the author of each article  published and one to the author of  each abstract from an auto history  conference.   Unless otherwise elected  to the Society’s Board of Directors,  the editor is not a member of the  board, but is invited by the president  to attend the board’s semi-annual  meetings, one of which is at Hershey  in October, the other in the spring in  varying locations in the United States.  At these meetings, the editor presents  a statement of the  cost of producing  and mailing issue(s) published since  the last meeting, and discusses briefl  y  the content and scheduling of the  next issue of the publication.       —Arthur Jones January–February 2009 3 SAH News SAH Award Nominations Accepted: Deadline April 15th, 2009 (unless otherwise noted) The Society gathers again to recognize  signifi cant contributions to the  publishing, documentation, and  preservation of the worldwide history  of the motor vehicle.  Complete details of the nomination  requirements are found online at: […]


[…] has been slight recently. Road Speed Not Known The Schebler twelve has a bore and stroke of 31,4 by 5 and up to this time no dynamometer test has been made of its power output. On the road exceptio nal power and speed is shown and accordi ng to Mr. Schmoll, no one has […]


[…] co-driver john Fitch, driving a Porsche 904. A valve let loose on lap 148, and the car retired. After that, he opened a wonderful car museum in Costa Mesa, California, where many of the treasures of his years in motorsport were put on display for car ent hu siasts to enjoy. His reputation for […]


[…] purchase alifestyle offreedom, fashion,andfunin1983 when theEnvironmental ProtectionAgency(EPA)banned the sale oftwo-stroke engineswithadisplacement greater than 50cc. Withhis125 plus ccengines, Piaggio,whohada hold onthe scooter marketthroughout theworld, decided that itwould notbe cost effective toredesign hismachines for theAmerican market.Thus,theItalian scooter that started itall began tovanish inAmerica, anexile thatlasted 16 years. Itwas kept alive during itsabsence inthe form of restoration […]

SAH Award Nominations and Deadlines

[…] award pages to understand the difference between our award categories. Then send a nomination email to Your nomination email should include the name of the award for which the nomination is being made, the person, publication or institution being nominated, the name and contact information of individual making the nomination, and one or two lines […]


[…] vehicle design still serves as the guiding principle for those men and women who work at his world-famous design studio outside Turin : “A car is the result of a sensation , or rather, of a series of sensation . The most important of these is the sensations of surprise , prompted by the […]


[…] funds, ple e, M tercard andVisa accepted well checks. Ordersandinquiries shouldbesent toFred Roe, 837Winter Street,Holliston, MA 01746,1159. M echeck ormoney orderp able toSociety ofAutomotive Historians. Inc.Inquire forshipping costsoutside theUSA. Thissupersedes allprevious ~sts andprices. whicharenolonger valid. A After Versailles andBefore theIron Curtain Fell: An Introduction to Some Vehicles ofCentral andEastern Europe Czechoslovakia TheFarAway Country In […]

2021 WSAH Autumn Meeting

[…] WSAH Autumn Meeting was called to order by Chapter President Ken Nimocks at 2:00 PM on Saturday, October 30, 2021, at the Wisconsin Automotive Museum in Hart ford, WI. The two hour meeting covered member recruitment, increasing public awareness of the WSAH, the formation of committees to tackle specific projects, and future meeting sites. […]