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[…] previous Annual General Meeting . (c) The Treasurer shall report on the financial condition of the Society. (d) The President may open the floor to comments and questions from Members. Section 6 – Special Member Meeting s A S pecial Member M eeting may be called by the President, by at least seven (7) […]


[…] place card and table space to exhibit and sign their books. The Society will provide Credit Card customer purchases processing to you at no charge. For any questions, please contact him at: wrightfilms@ To participate, please send him a short description of the books, along with website, and social media links. SAH in […]


[…] jogs and turns until you arrive at the back of the building. The Oak Room will be on the left, at the far end of the a forementioned hallway. The room will be open all day, beginning at about 10:00 am, and those who may wish to drop in for coffee and small-talk are […]


[…] In this article aboutaEuropean sportscar,Mr.Ken Browning has contributed astory which should pleasebothgroups. Your opinions willbewelcomed. The Pierce-Arrow andthePennsylvania Garage 9 Mr. Paul Stirnmler, ofWest Chester, Pennsylvania, narra testhehistory of asmall-town automobile dealerwhomanaged tosell expensive luxury automobiles inavery limited market. The Not-50-Merry Murray-Mac 14 This article byArthur LeeHoman andKeith Marvin isarevised ver- sion ofastory published […]


[…] place card and table space to exhibit and sign their books. The Society will provide Credit Card customer purchases processing to you at no charge. For any questions, please contact him at: To participate, please send him a short description of the books, along with website, and social media links. SAH in Paris […]


[…] Deborah Simonton maintainswith respect togender ideologies and technology inthe workplace, menwere to be the ones torepair andmaintain machinery. Inan argument reminiscent of Mohun’s analysisoflaundry workers, Simonton sta testhatwomen “werenot supposed tounderstand machinesand were onlytotend andoperate them.”67 Thus itshould notbesurprising that women wereveryrarely depicted in advertisements forgoods such motor oil. Utilizing thattype ofproduct would necessitate […]


[…] is reproduced on the back page of this issue. SAH Newsletter No. 17 – Page 4 .____..-‘ More on Bibliography It was good to get the la test issue of the Newsletter, and, as usual, I have some comments. In regard to -Marshall’s Bibliographer’s Corner, I can add a little information which may be […]


[…] and to obtain additional viewpoints, it was decided to appoint a Board of Directors consisting of the officers plus four additional members. These mem­ bers were selected for their obvious interest in the Society, and also picked for their geographical location to be fairly representative of our widespread member­ ship. The following have accepted […]


[…] cc es s in the months following the March 9, 1901 factory fire . contin ued on page 7 An Olds “Stanhope ” electric is driven by test driver Mrs . M . F. Loomis with her friend Elsie Ruggles. (photo couYtesy Gary Hoonsbeen) Thomas S. Jakups, Editor H appy ew Yea r 20 […]


[…] devo te d t o the a utomob ile, and gives l iste n ers the la tes t prod uc t and indu stry news, road test results , editorial comment , an d adv ice on liste n er conce rn s. Jose ph is assis ted by radio veteran Carol Cow […]


[…] has been slight recently. Road Speed Not Known The Schebler twelve has a bore and stroke of 31,4 by 5 and up to this time no dynamometer test has been made of its power output. On the road exceptio nal power and speed is shown and accordi ng to Mr. Schmoll, no one has […]


[…] it wou l d not be a cat witho ut it. Hum an beings are more curious than any animal. We are the species who do re search an d development , and hi sto r y. We explore the physical a nd spi ritual and the pas t, prese nt .a nd future […]


[…] thatIndiana couldleadthenation’s automobile industry.Buttheoverabundance ofsimilar, average- sized firms building competent andnearly-identical carsledto the expiration ofmany companies duringtheTwenties. Asthe decade woreon,the rule ofthe day was survival ofthe fit test and themost advanced. AfterWorld War 11, the Studebaker and Crosley plantsendured inthe cities ofSouth Bend,Richmond and Marion, whilelittleelsesurvived butacollection of automobile componentmakers. Indiana’s automanufacturers tendedtobe small […]


[…] ma ke-nam e adopted in a v ehicle ‘s homeland . For what it’s w or th, here are my per son al gue sses to h1s questions : 1) Tw o. AMC (generically for ex -R am ble r car s) an d Jeep. But the Rambler name seems stJII to be used […]


[…] Road, Granville, Ohio 43023. spotted the following item in Auto Week, January 9, 1984: Ask 10 friends who invented the automobile and you’ll probably get 10 different answers. Ask a Frenchman and he’ll probably tell you Edouard (as in Edward) Delamare-Deboutte­ ville. That’s right, the French claim E.D.D . built the first car. In […]


[…] at his s id e. Counesy of Keich Marvin. SAH Journa l No . 128 I realize that this doesn ‘t answer all of Mr. Bolan ‘s questions. I o nly regret I c an’t an s wer more. Ca n an yone ? I h ope so. This is wh at a utom […]


[…] g ….. ” So began a s erie s of adve rtis em ents fie ld ed by K oda k in the early seve ntie s. For some odd r easo n the words became foreve r ingra ined in my memory , a nd I keep comin g ac ross ne w […]


[…] m ea nt a Fe rrari, so in 1 960 h e pull ed som e s trin gs to wa ng le a seat in a Testa rossa. He a nd Olivie r Ge nd ebie n we re tl1e team’s o nly s urvivo rs- a nd the w inner s. As […]


[…] two oval rearwindows. Inearly 1927, the Nash wasreplaced byanAuburn 8-88 “Brougham.” Thiswasadefinite improvement! Ithink thecar was are- titled 1926(Fig.4). The Auburn Automobile Co. was considered somewhatofarevolving door fordesign andengineering personnel. Atmy level, thiswas mani- fested bynew anddifferent pupilsat school. Somewould bearound fortwo or three years andwould disappear. Cornelius vanRanst, Jr.and Sr.lived up the alley […]


[…] me: it was a MARMON Roose­ velt. Indeed, the nameplate confirmed that is was, although 1 am sure that some years ago I saw one which was simply a ROOSEVELT. I could go on, but you get the idea. I would like to know how others list such automobiles as these. From: Max Gregory, […]