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[…] issues. The SAH has been offered a part of the proceeds from this sale, so your purchase also helps support the SAH. After reviewing the website, any questions could be directed to Louis Fourie at: SAH Award Nominations and Board Nominations: details of all the SAH awards and nomination con – tact info. […]

SAH Journal Archives Draft 2

[…] and historical results. More than 320 issues have now been published. Below you will find links to the most recent issues. Below that you find links to pdfs for each issue going back to the beginning. When you click on a link the pdfs should open in a new tab or window. To find […]


[…] intervi ews with virtua lly eve ryone in vo l ved, int ern al comp a ny documentation (m e mo s, deve lo pm e nt test re p o rt s, race re po rts}, previo usly unpub­ lish ed phot ograp hs, and cont e mp ora ry press coverage. In […]

Richard B. Brigham (1907-1995)

Richard Bevier Brigham ignited the flame that trans formed a group interested in automotive history into the solid, strong, and significant group known as the Society of Automotive Historians. ***** Dick Brigham was born on May 10, 1907 in Toledo, Ohio, and resided there until 1962 when he moved to Marietta, Georgia, where he […]


[…] P. SEELEY, JR. , Sec:retary/Treuurer 211 St.,._,re Aoad lalthore, “-rylend 21212 We have received a most interesting manuscript which should become a standard for the serious re searcher into automotive history. This is the second half of Charles Bishop’s Automobiles of New York. The first half of this work was published back in the […]

Jay Leno

[…] and is used in undergraduate classes that center on automotive history. After the taping of his shows, he meets with undergraduate students studying history and answers student questions in an informal setting. All of the cars in his collection are drivable. He drove an old car to the studio at The Tonight Show every day […]


[…] none … too favorable had reached Motors Limited and they were anxious to ___)’ spect the two cars before committing themselves any further. . When they did test one, in November, they reported as follows: ‘We have tested one of the Allen cars and are not overpleased with same, as we found that in […]


[…] spot ) a t th e top of some of the patt ern inters ections. The three lowe r la yers are eve nly applied. Th e sample w as infrar ed-an al yze d , with the followin g resu lts: the mi xtur e consis t ed of a phen olic resin […]


[…] th e r eo rga nize d SCT A. In 1947 , aft er 10 ye ars o f empl oy­ m ent as a roa d test driv er a nd pro ess e ngin eer fo r G en era l Motor s, Park s left GM t o ass um e […]

2022 WSAH Spring Meeting

[…] submit a report to the President within six months; and the President to then make recommendations for consideration by the general membership at the following regular meeting.” Questions or comments should be made directly to the committee; the committee will also solicit ideas from individual members. The motion passed without dissent.  Don Gullikson reported […]


[…] to preserve the core of loyal owners the marque so rightly deserved . Personnally, I think this approach was adopted for a more vital reason . Durant simply didn’t have the financial resources to engineer a new Locomobile at the time and so decided to take the “high road”, as it were, and say […]


[…] the American Historical Association Member Benefits: Digital mem- bership was announced in the last issue of the SAH Journal, and one of its benefits —indeed, a benefit for all members—is the SAH website at, which in -cludes a members-only section with diverse content; from all the past issues of the SAH Journal and […]


[…] byJerry Gebby. Background onBlomstrom James C.Petersen isthe author ofthis story about theaccomplish- ments ofCharles H.Blomstrom, aprolific butHittle-known auto- motive designer inthe early daysofthe automobile. . Some StillUnanswered Questions Who made what, andwhere? Thesearequestions aSkedbyFred Roe in his comments aboutseveral makes, maybedomestic, maybefor- eign, ormaybe acombination ofboth. The Beardsley ElectricCar J. H. Valentine, “OurManinLos Angeles,” […]


[…] ‘s cheapest offering cost some $3,000 more than Cadillac’s most expensive . There was an iota of truth , too , in the feeling that Locomobile people simply weren’t Cadillac people and vice-versa. Having acquired the Locomobile, lock, stock and barrel, Durant got to work in the promotion of his new baby, and he […]


[…] lly, Web ste r co me to the a id of the buff , by definin g o ur use of th e word as “a well-in formed student of so me activity or ubj ect ,” but we know w hat th e detra cto rs m ean. Th e impli cation i […]


[…] mp ora ry gloss on it, it was comparati ve ly easy to mu lti-tas k w hen driv ing a ho r se and buggy. One simply tied up th e reins and sat back a nd e njoyed the rid e o r en gaged in some o ther ac tivity (like […]

2018 WSAH Summer Meeting and Iola Car Show

[…] of the vehicles for the Special Exhibit and staff the WSAH table in the Tent. Chapter members sell Iola Car Show memorabilia in support of the show, answer questions, and engage show attendees about the WSAH. The WSAH banner is on prominent display at the chapter table in the Tent. The Iola Car Show pays the chapter […]


[…] in other than print media. 2011 Racemaker Press, O’Keefe Winners Database, published online. 2010 Mark Theobald, 2009 Michael Hamm, producer, director/writer; Kerrie Long, producer “The Grea test Auto Race on Earth” Scharchburg Award, Chair: John Heitmann, Presented to an undergraduate or graduate level student for the best research paper in the fi […]


[…] February 22 marked the successful launch of the Society’s first website, which can be found ·at The creation of this additional mode of communication has raised questions regarding who decides what information is to be posted and which electronic links to other sites are to be supported. Policies need to be created in […]