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[…] Brownstown , Indiaru -._) It refers to yet another letter which Joe received from a non­ member, Wade Lanning, of Prince George, Virginia. Both letters, and the resulting story, are printed below. Wade Lanning to Joe Collins: I believe the last note I sent you about the “J. Sargent Reynolds” Corvair told you that […]


[…] are currently in default re-enroll Of special interest is the fact that twenty-two percent (22 %) of the membership hails from countries other than the United States, testifying once again to SAH’s international appeal. Finances Kit Foster distributed and explained several reports showing the financial status of the Society, including a financial analysis of […]


[…] 5 Queen Ann Drive, 0 istine Manor Newa.rtc., Delaware 19711 RICHARD B. BRIGHM , Yiee-Preddent 136 Park Lane, N. E. MArietta, Georqia 30060 A CHANGE OF TIME FOR THE HERSHEY MEETING – GUY P. SEELEY, JR •• Secretary/Treasurer 271 StaNIIIOre Road Baltis-ore. Maryland 21211 The second annual Hershey meeting of the S.A.H. was scheduled […]


[…] Association Beve rly Rae Kimes , in Standard Catalog of American Cars: 1805·1942 tells us that “Th e People’s Automobile Company was organized in 1900 as the result of a prolonged street railway men’s strike in Cleve· land.” The striking railway workers, however, would not allow this veh icle to operate on the streets […]


[…] Mar/AprMay/JunJul/AugSep/OctNov/Dec 1/31 3/315/317/319/3011/30 Deadline: Mailed: Issue: Submission Deadlines: Note: the SAH Journal is a bimonthly publication (printed 6 times a year) and there is a two-month horizon for submitted material before it is mailed (e.g., material sub- mitted by February 1st appears in the Mar/Apr issue and is mailed on or before 3/31.) All […]


[…] 7 Judkins Linc oln (– 1967). ARTICLE IN POPULAR MECHANICS: Pigs and Model T Races (July 1967). ARTICLES IN ROD AND CUSTOM: 1940 Mercury 4-Door Convertible Drive test (June 1970); 1950 Dodge M-37 Truck Drivetest (May 1970); Woodies Si, Wagons No (March 1970); 1937 Lincoln Zephyr Drivetest (Jan. 1970); Fender Finder (Jan. 1970); 1933 […]


[…] material contrib­ uted. If you have been doing research in an area please consider putting it on paper and submitting it. It could be a brief piece for the Newsletter or something longer for the Review. Don’t be dismayed if the editors perform their function by editing your contribution. Above all ~ on‘t be […]


[…] Contents PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE HISTORICAL RESEARCH AND FORENSIC EVALUATION INFORMS THE RESTORATION OF A 1934 TATRA T77 (PART II: THE CHASSIS) RÉTROMOBILE 42 SAH EUROPEAN MEETING XXII BOOK REVIEWS Billboard SAH Journal ISSUE 284 • JANUARY /F EBRUARY 2017 3 4 8 10 11 12/12/14/16/18/110/1 Jan/Feb Mar/AprMay/JunJul/AugSep/OctNov/Dec 1/31 3/315/317/319/3011/30 Deadline: Mailed: Issue: Submission Deadlines: Note: […]


SAHJOURNAL THE SOCIETY OF AUTOMOTIVE HISTORIANS, INC. July-Augu st 1991 EDITORIAL COMMENT Henry Ford had a thing about the “p” word. Henry ‘s “p” word was “patent ” -no t just any patent , mind , for Henry himself held a number of patent s. The patent that had Henry up in arms was […]


[…] Many havebeentherumors that McNamara wasagainst theproject fromthe start. Dick hadworked atFord during the middle ’50sandtells stories ofhow assembly linesupervisors wereordered to concentrate onthe quality ofFord nameplate products, resultinginfields of Edsels thathadtobe reworked beforebeing shipped todealers. Wehoped toget McNamara’s viewsonEdsel andanything else about hisyears atFord thathecared to talk about. Weshould allbesograceful in our refusals. I’llend […]


[…] cc es s in the months following the March 9, 1901 factory fire . contin ued on page 7 An Olds “Stanhope ” electric is driven by test driver Mrs . M . F. Loomis with her friend Elsie Ruggles. (photo couYtesy Gary Hoonsbeen) Thomas S. Jakups, Editor H appy ew Yea r 20 […]


[…] Montgomery-Wards┬ábrand┬áwas┬ámanufactured┬á by┬áGilson┬áof┬áPlymouth,┬áWisconsin,┬áwhich┬á was┬áacquired┬áby┬áToro┬áin┬á1988.┬áI┬á┬ácame┬áacross┬á a┬áwonderful┬áwebsite,┬á,┬á with┬ácompany┬áhistory┬áand┬áparts┬áand┬áservice┬á information.┬áMine┬áis┬áa┬ámodel┬á478A┬áwith┬áa┬á Foote┬áreversing┬átransmission┬áand┬áa┬áBriggs┬á and┬áStratton┬ásix┬áhorsepower┬áengine┬á(which┬á still┬ástarts┬áon┬áthe┬ásecond┬ápull,┬áby┬áthe┬áway). ┬á ItÔÇÖs┬áhard┬áto┬áfathom┬áthat┬áHershey┬áwas┬á just┬áa┬áfew┬ámonths┬áago.┬áIÔÇÖd┬álike┬áto┬áextend┬á sincere┬áthanks┬áto┬áall┬áwho┬ámake┬áthe┬áSAHÔÇÖs┬á Hershey┬ápresence┬ápossibleÔÇöJohn┬áMarino┬áfor┬á his┬ácoordination┬áof┬áthe┬ámeeting┬áspace┬áand┬á banquet┬áevents,┬áand┬áPat┬áBisson,┬áLouis┬áFourie┬á and┬átheir┬ácrew┬áfor┬áhandling┬átent┬álogistics,┬á and┬áVince┬áWright┬áfor┬áorganizing┬áthe┬áSAHÔÇÖs┬á book┬ásigning.┬áAs┬áalways,┬áHershey┬áwas┬áa┬á great┬átime┬áto┬ámake┬ánew┬áfriends┬áand┬árenew┬á old┬áacquaintances,┬áas┬áwell┬áas┬áa┬átremendous┬á resource┬áto┬ápromote┬áthe┬áSAH. ┬á Another┬álong-standing┬ácustom┬áat┬áHer- shey┬áis┬áthe┬áSAHÔÇÖs┬áfall┬áboard┬ámeeting.┬áMany┬ápoints┬áof┬ábusiness┬áwere┬áconducted┬áduring┬á the┬áwhirlwind┬á3┬¢-hour┬ámeeting,┬áincluding┬á the┬áannouncement┬áof┬áboard┬áelection┬á results.┬á Congratulations┬áare┬ádue┬áto┬áDon┬áKeefe,┬áBob┬á Barr,┬áand┬áMatt┬áShort,┬áfor┬átheir┬áelection┬áto┬á the┬áSAH┬áboard.┬áOn┬ábehalf┬áof┬áthe┬áSAH,┬á thank┬áyou,┬ágentlemen,┬áfor┬áyour┬áwillingness┬á to┬áserve!┬áAdditionally,┬áSusan┬áDavis,┬áchair┬áof┬á the┬áNominating┬áCommittee,┬áannounced┬áher┬á retirement┬áfrom┬áthat┬áposition.┬áThank┬áyou,┬á Susan,┬áfor┬áyour┬áyears┬áof┬ásteadfast┬áservice!┬áI┬á am┬áalso┬ápleased┬áto┬áannounce┬áthat┬áPast┬áPresi- dent┬áJohn┬áHeitmann┬áhas┬áagreed┬áto┬áserve┬áas┬á Nominating┬áCommittee┬áchair. ┬á Lastly,┬áa┬áword┬áon┬ámembership:┬áfor┬á2017,┬á I┬áask┬áeach┬áof┬áyou┬áto┬árecruit┬áa┬ánew┬ámember┬á to┬áSAH.┬áMembership┬áis┬áthe┬álifeblood┬áof┬áany┬á organization,┬áand┬áthe┬áSAH┬áis┬áno┬áexception.┬á As┬ámentioned┬áin┬áthe┬áprevious┬áPresidentÔÇÖs┬á Message,┬áthe┬áSAHÔÇÖs┬áDigital┬áMembership┬áis┬á active.┬áThis┬á$20┬ámembership┬áoption┬áis┬áa┬ágreat┬á tool┬áfor┬árecruitment┬áand┬áperfect┬áfor┬áany┬ágift- giving┬áoccasion.┬áYou┬áreceive┬áall┬áthe┬ábene´¼ü┬áts┬áof┬á SAH┬ámembership┬áalong┬áwith┬áemailed┬ácopies┬á of┬áour┬ápublications,┬áthe┬áSAH┬áJournal┬áand┬áthe┬á Automotive┬áHistory┬áReview.┬áLetÔÇÖs┬ágrow┬áthe┬á SAHÔÇÖs┬ámembership┬áin┬áthe┬áNew┬áYear! ┬á […]


[…] In this article aboutaEuropean sportscar,Mr.Ken Browning has contributed astory which should pleasebothgroups. Your opinions willbewelcomed. The Pierce-Arrow andthePennsylvania Garage 9 Mr. Paul Stirnmler, ofWest Chester, Pennsylvania, narra testhehistory of asmall-town automobile dealerwhomanaged tosell expensive luxury automobiles inavery limited market. The Not-50-Merry Murray-Mac 14 This article byArthur LeeHoman andKeith Marvin isarevised ver- sion ofastory published […]


[…] H9 305 906, def­ initely 1969. My local Cadillac dealer said he thought the cars were modified by American Sunroof and sold through Cadillac dealers as a test of market appeal for the electric sunroof. I called American Sun-roof and was given the name of the man to write to in their company. I […]


[…] Photo below. The StH booth s:t the Hershey fiea market in OCtober 1978. Right to left I Dave Brownell, John Peckham, Bill Jackson, and Howard Applegate Book Reviews The Specification Book for u.s, Cars 1920-1929 edited by G. Marshall NaUl, With Keith Marvin and Stanley Yost. 326 pages, softcover, 9t x 7 3/8, MOtorbooks […]


[…] an engine we could finish the car. When it was done we drove it to the freight depot for shipment to Chicago. This was the only road test these cars got. If they made it to the station they were considered o.k. These were Bour-Davis cars – not Shad-Wycks. There was a lot of […]


[…] Design was printed in the U.S . by Brilliant Studio in Glenmoore, Pennsylvania. The qua lity is tacti le as we ll as vis u al. The cost/pr ice penalty incur r ed by Dalton Watson in this decision is frightening continued on page 11 No Such Paperwork to Be Found In issue 228 […]


[…] three-waydumptrucks whichcould dump their loadstoeither sideortothe rear . • e 8′ Ie, Ie. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Much ofthis account isbased onanarticle which appeared inthe Findlay (Ohio)Repub1ican- Courier, as the result ofthe efforts ofThomas J. Miles, WilliamPhillips, (who owns a 1914 Grant) andDonSmith, whohas researched muchof Findlay’s earlyhistory. Theirworkwasaided by the contributions offormer Grantemployees, concerning thenorth andsouth […]


[…] may not see the light of day f’or many a moon, inte .nse dedication masked a quiet, dry humor, 1We 1d better blame it on La coste et Battmann’ was a common retort to any obscure ligh~car f’rom the early 1900s, tho11gh he’d nllver let it :t>est at that, Ncr was he a […]