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SAHJ Subject Index

[…] can scroll each of the main categories by first clicking on the “+” sign in the list below. When a list is open, you can use browser search (Control-F) to find topics of interest. You can also search the entire contents of the Automotive History Review and the Society of Autmotive Historians Journal using […]


[…] he got side-tracked by the realization that he had sufficient material to create Steel Artists. Hopefully it will be our pleasure to read Kilkenny’s first-intended book next. Free digitizing service: The editor is seeking automobiles photographed by John Adams Davis , and other prewar photographers, too. Only digital images are needed. Accordingly, if you […]


[…] the cover and above) sold for $82.5K at the RM|Sotheby’s auction during Hershey. Perhaps this could be considered the first time a “retro-look” was made with the freestanding headlights (a throwback to the prewar era). Back cover : Here we have the Chrysler ad that appeared on p. 15 of the June, 1941, issue […]


[…] of them, or all of them collectively, as an excuse. Now that this issue is in your hands (or on your com – puter screen as a PDF), I do hope you will enjoy it, and that you will also enjoy #318. Warning: Email scams come in all forms. Please note that the SAH’s […]

SAH ACDAM Book Inventory, 1-31-24

[…] Bill Emerson 2002 1-902351045 The :upmobile Story: From Beginning to End Bill Cuthbert 2004 1-932439137 The Haguar XK140 in the Southern :emisphere Hohn Elmgreen and Terry McGrath 2024 The Hordan Automobile: A :istory Hames :. Lackey 2005 978 -0786416677 The Kalamazoo Automobilist David O. Lyon 2002 0-932826830 The Starter, WOKR, No. 130 Han/Feb/Mar 1995 […]


[…] looking for a healthier company to further his career. He made  contact with Ed Deisley, chief engineer for the Budd Company in  Philadelphia. He outlined a plan developed by Edward G. Budd,  Jr., then president of the Budd Company, to increase the com- pany’s production of bodies for the major automobile companies  by establishing an automobile design or styling studio in Detroit,  which would give the sales department another tool in developing  more business. After meeting with Mr. Budd, Gordon was hired to  put together a small staff and start creating designs which could be  sold to the auto companies with Budd getting the body building  business. Mr. Budd visited Detroit, liked what they were doing  and authorized the building of the elegant design studio at Budd’s  Detroit offi ce.   Unfortunately, Gordon soon found there was one major prob- lem. Budd’s vice president in charge of sales (he never named him)  was opposed to the plan from the start. He not only killed a planned  press party to introduce the new studio and its staff to their Detroit  customers, as the months passed, he never introduced any of the  fresh designs Gordon’s team was turning out to their customers.   Finally, in frustration, Gordon wrote a letter to Mr. Budd  complaining about the situation, saying he was wasting his time  and the Budd Company’s money. The response from Mr. Budd was  rapid and to the point. He asked for Gordon’s resignation.   Gordon returned to Auburn where he did some  freelance design  work for White Truck company and then King Seeley. In 1940 he  did a number of instrument panel designs for King Seeley and was  hired full-time, moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan, and was working  there when World War II started and all civilian automotive design  came to a halt.  He then acquired a job as a draftsman with Consolidated  Aircraft in San Diego, California, and worked there through most  of the war years.   Near the end of the war he returned to automotive design  when he was hired by Raymond Loewy to manage his South Bend,  Indiana, studio where they were already at work designing what  would become the postwar Studebaker line. This is where I had a  problem getting Gordon to tell me about the second time in his  career he was involved in something he was not proud of.   Loewy had been Studebaker’s design consultant since before  the war, the 1939 Studebaker Champion having been one of the  Loewy team’s designs. When Gordon took over as head of the  South Bend Studebaker design team, he replaced his friend Virgil  M. Exner in that position. Gordon knew he was walking into the  middle of not only a design fi ght, but a management war as well.   Loewy would make frequent trips to South Bend and if he  didn’t like the progress on the designs, he would demote Gordon  and put Exner in charge, then on the next trip, still unhappy, he  […]


[…] Dominguez has written several earlier pub- lished titles: Edsel Ford and E T Gregoire,  published in 1999 by SAE, and The Last  Days of Henry Ford, a 2014 issued book  from Racemaker Press, the publisher of  The Cellini of Chrome. —Edward Garten NJCA-EL: Award of Distinction: Driving While Black: African American  Travel and the Road to Civil Rights by  Gretchen Sorin published by Liveright  Publishing Corp. ISBN: 978-1631495694 Found worthy of the Panel’s Award of Dis- tinction was Gretchen Sorin’s important  contribution to automotive and cultural  history. The panel agreed that this book  demonstrated that the automobile—an  important symbol of independence and  possibility—has always held particular  importance for African-Americans, allow- ing black families to evade the dangers pre- sented by an entrenched racist society and  to enjoy, in some measure, the  freedom of  the open road. The book melds new archi- val research with the author’s own family’s  story. As a result it recovers a lost history,  demonstrating how, when combined with  black travel guides — including the famous  Green Book — has encouraged a new way  of resisting oppression.  Sorin recounts the  creation of a parallel and often unseen  world of black motorists who relied on  travel guides, black-only businesses, and  informal communications networks to  keep them safe. From coast to coast, mom  and pop guesthouses and tourist homes,  beauty parlors, and even large hotels fed  travelers and provided places to stay the  night. At the heart of Sorin’s story is Victor  and Alma Green’s famous Green Book, a  travel guide begun in 1936, which helped  T HEHE A […]


[…] This┬áwas┬áon┬áthe┬áassumption┬áthat┬á one┬áreason┬áfor┬ájoining┬áthe┬áSAH┬ácould┬ábe┬áto┬á gain┬áinsight┬áon┬áhow┬áto┬áget┬áyour┬ámaterial┬á published.┬á┬áTimes┬áchange┬áand┬áthe┬ánumber┬á of┬ápublishers┬ácatering┬áto┬áautomotive┬áhistory┬á has┬áshrunk.┬á┬áNow┬áwe┬áare┬áinto┬áself-publishing.┬á ┬á Authors┬áwho┬áhave┬ásuccessfully┬ápub- lished┬ábooks┬áin┬áthis┬ánew┬áenvironment┬áare┬á encouraged┬áto┬áshare┬átheir┬ástories.┬á┬áBesides┬á giving┬áyou┬áa┬áchance┬áto┬áprovide┬ádetails┬áof┬á what┬áworked┬áand┬áwhat┬ádidnÔÇÖt┬áfor┬áothers┬áto┬á learn┬áfrom,┬áit┬áalso┬áprovides┬áexposure┬áof┬áwhat┬á makes┬áyour┬ámaterial┬áworthy┬áof┬ápublishing.┬á┬á Any┬ásuch┬ácontributions┬áwill┬ábe┬ákept┬áin┬áthe┬á ÔÇ£members┬áonlyÔÇØ┬ásection┬áof┬áthe┬áwebsite. Listing┬áof┬áBooks┬áby┬áMake┬áwith┬áLinks┬áto┬á Author┬áand┬áDetailed┬áSupport We┬áare┬áplanning┬áto┬áprovide┬áa┬álisting┬áof┬ábooks┬á from┬áSAH┬áauthors┬áthat┬áare┬ácurrently┬áin┬áprint┬á listed┬áby┬ávehicle┬ámake.┬á┬áAlongside┬áeach┬ámake┬á will┬ábe┬áa┬álink┬áto┬áthe┬áauthor┬áwhere┬áfurther┬á details┬áabout┬áthe┬ábook┬áwill┬ábe┬áfound.┬á┬áThis┬á might┬áinclude┬áa┬ádescription┬áof┬áthe┬ábook,┬áa┬á table┬áof┬ácontents,┬áany┬áreviews┬áand┬áawards┬áand┬áa┬ásource┬áfor┬áwhere┬áto┬ámake┬áa┬ápurchase. ┬á This┬á free┬áservice┬áto┬áour┬áSAH┬áauthors┬á will┬ábe┬áopen┬áto┬áthe┬ápublic┬áand┬áshould┬áover┬á time┬áprovide┬áan┬áideal┬áshopping┬ásource.┬á┬áAt┬á a┬álater┬átime┬áwe┬áwill┬áexplore┬ámotorsport┬á categories┬áto┬áallow┬áa┬ásimilar┬álisting┬áto┬áthe┬á make┬ácategories┬á┬áabove.┬áAny┬áauthors┬ákeen┬áto┬á participate┬áare┬áencouraged┬áto┬ácontact┬áour┬á web-editor┬áLouis┬áF.┬áFourie┬áat┬á AUTHOR EXPOSURE AUTHOR EXPOSURE SAH Journal No. 283 ÔÇó November / December 2016 4 T HEHE A A NNUAL […]


[…] of automotive history and had begun to as – semble a collection of automotive books, service manuals, photos and literature. He donated his collection to the Philadelphia Free Library, where it became the McKean Collection, available to those interested in doing research or possibly finding out more about an antique car they owned. As […]

AHR Contents Index

[…] history. More than 60 issues have now been published. This page provides a table of contents for every issue of the Review, with links to the corresponding pdf. You can get a sense of the topics covered in the Review by scrolling down the page. You can use browser search (Control-F) to find topics […]


[…] disconnecting both the Fall Board Meeting and the Annual General Meeting from Hershey. We could hold both via Zoom later in the month after Hershey. This would free up people’s time at Hershey, allow Board members who can’t attend Hershey to participate in the Board Meeting, and allow any member to attend/participate in the […]


[…] own lunch or dinner! This was billed to our parts account. Likewise, brochures, showroom window dressing, and all promotional items were billed to the dealer. Nothing was free! And the prices charged the dealers were always excessive. I recall the little 1/25 scale dealer promotional models were $10 each. At $2 each they would […]


[…] sobriety are ex- pressions of elevated sexual appetite, dangerous risk-taking behavior, and irrational demands for un- restrained independence. In “Six Days on the Road” the illicit sexual freedom offered by the occupation is suggested by the rider’s confession that he, like a lot of other drivers, could have had plenty of women on his […]

Z. Taylor Vinson (1933-2009)

[…] put out something called “Franson’s Motor News”. Somehow or other I had some duplicates. I sent Franson the duplicates and he said he would give me two free ads in the paper that he ran. And he did. I began hearing from a fellow named in The Netherlands and we had a trading relationship […]


[…] that anyone may Iide in the most peculiar or tiniest of the e cars without loss of dignity, and it will be possib le to see how free and untrammeled the scope of automotive design is in England. ” The author of these remarks was Maurice Olley , recently a1rived in tl1e Un ited […]

Z. Taylor Vinson

[…] put out something called “Franson’s Motor News”. Somehow or other I had some duplicates. I sent Franson the duplicates and he said he would give me two free ads in the paper that he ran. And he did. I began hearing from a fellow named in The Netherlands and we had a trading relationship […]


[…] and the work did not have to go through numerous layers of approvals and revisions as did the automo- tive accounts. Consequently, they allowed for greater creative freedom and were a lot of fun to work on. New business pitches, with accompanying campaigns, were also part of the automotive down time. In order to […]


[…] and the work did not have to go through numerous layers of approvals and revisions as did the automo- tive accounts. Consequently, they allowed for greater creative freedom and were a lot of fun to work on. New business pitches, with accompanying campaigns, were also part of the automotive down time. In order to […]

Links to Online Automotive History

[…] Brochures by Hans Tore Tangerud of Norway  Dezo’s Garage – Brochures Early American Autos – Ads and Photos Ford Advertising by J. Walter Thompson, at Duke University Free Car Brochures The Old Car Manual Project – Advertising, Brochures & Manuals Vintage Car Brochures – America Automotive Clubs AC Owners Club, The Alfa Romeo Owners […]

Awards Banquet Details Announced

Details for the 2024 Annual SAH Awards Banquet have been announced.   This year’s Award Banquet will take place in the Keystone Ballroom of the Hershey Country Club on Wednesday, October 9, 2024, during the Antique Automobile Association of America’s Eastern Division Fall National Meet, which as most of you know is held in […]