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[…] tobe perhaps thefirst head ofstate tobe driven inahorseless carriage.However, in South Africa carsonly became popularaftertheend of the Anglo-Boer Warandtheonset ofBritish colonial rule in the whole ofsouthern Africa.Asa result, thevast ma- jority ofcars were imported fromGreat Britain. Duringthe mid 1920s, FordandGeneral Motorsbothesta ished as- sem y plantsinPort Elizabeth. SouthAfrica, asamember of the British Commonwealth, eventuallyreceivedmostof […]


[…] e fi rst major race held at the track took place in August 1909, two years before the now famous bricks paved the 2½ mile oval. Con tested on a surface of crushed stone and tar, the 250-mile Prest-O-Lite Trophy race was won by “Wild Bob” Burman in his factory sponsored Buick. Burman’s Buick […]


[…] me present this special issue of the SAH Journal. ItÔÇÖs ÔÇ£specialÔÇØ because itÔÇÖs three issues combined into one. That decision (to combine three issues) came as a result of a few happy and unhappy circumstances. First the ÔÇ£unhappyÔÇØÔǪ while six is – sues were on track for publication this year, over time the dates […]


[…] NNUAL SAH ASAH A WARDSWARDS SAH Journal No. 312 • September / October 2021 5 grant black Americans that most basic  American rite, the family vacation.   As Sorin demonstrates, black travel  guides and black-only businesses encour- aged a new way of resisting oppression.  Black Americans could be confident  of finding welcoming establishments  as they traveled for vacation or for  business. Civil Rights workers learned  where to stay and where to eat in the  South between marches and pro tests.  As Driving While  Black reminds us, the  Civil Rights Movement was just that—a  movement of black people and their al- lies in defi ance of local law and custom.  At the same time, she shows that the car,  despite the freedoms it offered, brought  black people up against new challenges,  from segregated ambulance services to  unwarranted traffi c stops, and the racist  violence that too often followed. Inter- woven with Sorin’s own family history  and enhanced by dozens of little known  images, Driving While  Black charts how  the automobile fundamentally reshaped  African American life, and opens up an  entirely new view onto one of the most  important issues of our time. —Edward Garten NJCA: Language other than English: Dansk Bilproduktion by Erich Karsholt,  […]

Society of Automotive Historians SAH Automotive History Home Page

[…] business and management structures, and advertising and trade practices. Download the symposium program. (10/16/22) 2022 SAH Awards 2022 Carl Benz Award, was presented to: “Upward Mobility: The Low- Cost Luxury Cars of 1966” by Kit Foster. Published in the October, 2021 issue of Collectible Automobile. This ten-page article surveys the domestic manufacturers’ luxury variants of […]

Australia Symposium

[…] automobile industries have shared components, parts, staff, engineering skills and design expertise, not to mention business and management structures, as well as advertising and trade practices. The result has been the production of many unique vehicles.   In September of 2022, the SAH co-hosted a “Wheels Across the Pacific” virtual symposia with the Automotive […]


[…] market account has now exceeded $61 ,000 , surpassing last year ‘s all time high. The budget for Fiscal Year 1997 was proposed and approved . Election Results Taylor Vinson reported that 250 valid ballots were received for the most recent election ; repre sentin g about 1/3 of SAH membership. Newly elected to […]


[…] September 23, 1935 -The S.S. Jaguar was displayed at the London Motor Show, introducing the world to the Jaguar car. October 1935 -The first Volkswagen prototype was tested. October 5, 1935- Production of the Lincoln Zephyr began. Sixty Years Ago … October 24, 1940 – The 40 hour work week provision of the Wages […]

Policies & Procedures

[…] Award Panel is under no obligation to select a Friend of Automotive History award each year. RICHARD P. SCHARCHBURG STUDENT PAPER AWARD In order to encourage re search and writing effort among university students in the area of automotive history, the Society confers its annual award for the best student paper in the auto […]


[…] were at least two. SAH Journal No. 308 • January / February 2021 7 Versare double-tandem, gas-electric truck.  According to research published by the  Motor Bus Society, the Versare Corporation  of Watervliet, New York, built this prototype  in 1926 using tandem units with electric  drive in the rear axle of each tandem.  “The Versare Corporation was basically  a motor bus builder but is believed to have  built three prototype heavy-duty trucks with  various wheel arrangements. The one in  the photo is believed to be carrying Eaton  axles.  It was later sent to the Army Ordnance Department at Fort Holabird,   for  testing. Apparently, none  of these prototypes resulted in any produc- tion models and the fi rm basically ceased  operations by 1929.” —Kit Foster Rubber-tired, steering rail-type trucks allowed maneuvering on city streets.Rubber-tired, steering rail-type trucks allowed maneuvering on city streets. As seen in As seen […]


[…] January 1906 of 127.7 mph, a record that confounded internal combustion until 1910 when Barney Oldfi eld fi nally broke it in a Mercedes by four mph. Tested by racing as it was, this engine was the obvious pick for Stanley’s truck-turned-bus. It takes a lot of power to move such a large vehicle […]


[…] of1905, thisbeing equipped withafour- cylinder 4inch by43/4 inch motor, withpractically no change inthe design. Thiscarisalso inservice today.Ican conscientiously saythat during thetwo seasons Idrove this first motor that,afterits testing out,Iwas never obliged once tostop onthe road because ofmotor difficulties. My partner, Mr.Kilbourne, drovehiscar, thefirst model ofthe 4 inch by43/4 inch, 15,000 milesthefirst season and about […]

SAH Award Winners Announced

[…] is the list of the 2023 winners. Cugnot Award, English Language The 2023 Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot Award, English Language, has been presented to Detroit Steel Artists: How Edsel Ford, Ray Dietrich, Tom Hibbard, and Ralph Roberts Turned Motor City into a Styling Mecca Before Harley Earl by Matthew Kilkenny. Published in 2022 with the assistance […]


[…] model automated highwaysystem,which allowed themtobegin experimenting withhowelectronics could be used tosteer andmaintain properfollowing distance.” Soon after,GMdeveloped aseries ofconcept cars known asthe Firebirds. Thesedramatically styledvehicles served asboth running test-beds andpromotional vehiclesfor the idea ofautomated driving.In1956, General Motors demonstrated theFirebird IIat its Motorama, atraveling show created tointroduce thepu ic toGM products andideas. In actuality, theFirebird IIhad […]


[…] Country Club. The 2022 SAH Hershey Board Meeting and Awards Banquet was scheduled for October 5 and 6 respectively at the Hershey Country Club, Hershey, PA. Meal cost to membership will be $70 per person. o John Marino noted that tomorrow ’s Banquet is in the Piccard Pavilion, adjacent to the clubhouse where we […]


[…] 13 officers and directors in attendance a quorum was present. • Upon a motion made by D . Nelson and seconded by B. Elton , the Agenda for the April 13, 2023 meeting of the Board of Directors of the Society of Automotive Historians was approved. • Upon a motion made by D . […]


[…] board that year were Ledwinka-inspired backbone-framed cars that  integrated their in-line engines with their frames for front-wheel  drive, adding independent rear suspension as well.1921 after its chief was inspired by the exhibits at that year’s Berlin  show. Under its general manager Wilhelm Wittig, Zündapp roared  to success, producing 100,000 motorcycles in its fi rst dozen years.   Wittig was Ganz’s doorkeeper at Zündapp, which in 1924 had  toyed with the idea of assembling a German version of a small Brit- ish Rover at a plant in Munich. At Nürnberg, however, an initially  warm welcome turned cooler with Germany’s economic malaise.  In the next year, however, Ganz gained the support of another  motorcycle maker, Ardie.    No editor could have been prouder than Josef Ganz when the  mid-September 1930 issue of his magazine pictured him at the  wheel of the fi  rst car built to his principles. “The idea of this car,” he  said, “was to prove my point that a small car could be made which  would be comfortable and handle well over all kinds of roads. It  did this with a vengeance.”   Like Zündapp, Ardie was unable to take his concept forward.  In 1931, however, an established auto maker, Frankfurt’s Adler,  produced a much-improved prototype to Ganz’s designs. Dubbed  the Maikäfer (or May-bug), appropriately enough the 560-pound  runabout was fi  rst  tested in May 1931. It too was ultimately rejected  by its builders.  A cheery image of Ganz may date from his post-war activity with A cheery image of Ganz may date from his post-war activity with Holden […]


[…] and musuem in Alexandria , Virginia . Cammack has assembled probably the most comprehensive collection of Tucker artifacts and memora­ bilia extant, including the first production Tucker, test chassis number two with an original 589 cubic inch engine, and seven Tucker engines from various significant stages of development. Paul Delaney hosted a reception in […]


[…] grew,heteamed up with aman whowastobecome famousfor his design workinthe field ofaero-engines, Amherst Villiers.Theydeveloped theVaux- hall-Villiers, thecombination ofaVauxhall 30/98, muchmodified andlightened, anda Villiers-designed supercharger.Theresult was astounding, givingMaysmany fas test– times-of-the-day athis favorite hill-climb venue, Shelsley Walsh,nearDroitwich in Worcestershire. Hisfirst association with Humphrey Cookcameasthe result ofan abortive attempttodevelop ateam offive- liter Invictas forinternational sportscarrac- ing. Some […]


[…] and drove three production N.K.I.’s down to the NASCAR track in Raleigh, North Carolina, in December, 1953. As NASCAR officials watched for the next 24 hours, Carl tested one car for economy and another for endurance. (The third was a spare.) The stats were everything Carl and Nash had hoped for. The economy car […]