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[…] (no vehicles or parts). It will be held at the Irwindale Speedway 13300 East Live Oak Avenue, Irwindale, CA. The speedway is just west of the 605 Freeway , north of Interstate 10, and south of the 210 Freeway . Selling begins at daybreak , or slightly before. Most sellers close up shop by […]


[…] nd in two cars e nter ed in m e eve nt for ca rs of less than 300 cub ic-inch dis­ pl ace ment and the free– fo r-a ll e vent . Fo r their effons Loesch e wo n a go ld cup and the Penrose Trop hy a nd Clin […]


[…] of Automotive Historians, Inc. SAMUEL V. FIORANI, EDITOR 307 Kingston Drive Douglassville, Pennsylvania 19518 USA Email: SAHJoumal@ AOL.COM OFFICERS Leroy D. Cole President Michael Berger Secretary JosephS. Freeman Christopher Foster Vice President Treasurer BOARD OF DIRECTORS Through Oct. 2001 Through Oct. 2002 Through Oct. 2003 Darwyn H. Lumley Charles W. Houser James J. Schild […]


1 M AY / JUNE 2017 ISSUE 286 SAH Journal $5.00 US SAH Journal1R‡0D-XQH 2 Contents A RESEARCH TOOL AND SKILL: SEARCHING PDF FILES ON YOUR COMPUTER BOOK REVIEW SAH Journal ISSUE 286 • MAY/J UNE 2017 3 4 12/1 2/14/16/18/110/1 Jan/Feb Mar/AprMay/JunJul/AugSep/OctNov/Dec 1/31 3/315/317/319/3011/30 Deadline: Mailed: Issue: Submission Deadlines: Note: the SAH Journal […]


[…] by Aldo Zana McFarland & Company, Inc. (2022)  800−253−2187 204 pages, 7″ x 10″ softcover 97 b/w images, chapter end notes, bibliog− raphy, appendices, index Price: $39.95  ISBN: 978−1476680873 ISBN: 978−1476643595 (ebook) L and speed record (LSR) history—1898  to current day and on into the future— was covered in that charming and charm− ingly illustrated Quest for Speed (SAHJ #310)  in which the writer of the foreword, David  Tremayne, observed “public highways suf− fi  ced to begin . . . were superseded by longer  stretches of fl at beach. The beach straights  were found wanting in traction as speed  increased. The advent of the aero−engine  to rockets required vast amounts of open  land . . . found only at Bonneville Salt Flats,  Block Rock, Nevada and Lake Eyre in South Australia . . . it being diffi  cult to fi nd 20−mile  long perfectly fl at stretches of the earth’s  surface that are relatively  free of debris.”  Louise Noeth’s Bonneville Salt Flats  book (also in SAHJ #310) explains why  Bonneville wasn’t even on the radar in 1928.  The fi rst timed run wasn’t held there until  1932. That run had been organized and  piloted by Ab Jenkins who would be the  one to fi nally succeed lobbying land speed  seekers to try the Salt Flats.   This particular book—Fast on the Sand  by Italian Aldo Zana (a member of SAH  since 1999)—is focused on discussing, as  the subtitle clearly indicates, The Daytona  Beach Land Speed Record Runs of 1928. The  events of that year are familiar to many for  they made headlines and various aspects  are recounted in the histories and stories of  other books. Zana scrutinized that published  knowledge along with period reporting  in American and British newspapers and  journals as his bibliography and chapter end  notes attest. In fact, the wonderful cover im− age is credited to one of those period British  magazines, The Motor, but sadly neglects to  include the name of the artist.   […]


[…] sketches of the parts, part numbers, labor time and part price (at time of publication). The manuals cover 1965 to 2000 domestic and import. The collection is free; all the recipient has to do is pay the shipping, or pickup in the San Francisco North Bay Area. Contact Wayne Johnson at: Save the […]


[…] +1.301.754.0303, email: I n the “Chairman’s Comments” in the spring edi- tion (No. 72) of the Society of Automotive Histo- rians in Britain’s  SAHB Times, Peter Card reported  that “the SAHB fi nances look sound and that the  membership renewals are on target. You will be  pleased to note that the Autumn Seminar will, once  again, with the good offi ces of Philip Hall, be at our  regular venue, The Hunt House, which is the HQ of  the Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts’ Club and the Sir Henry  Royce Memorial Foundation, on October 20th.”  There was also a call for nominations for the Michael  Sedgwick Award to go to Craig Horner (C.Horner@ —it can be a book, pamphlet or article,  and it doesn’t have to be by a SAHB member, but the  subject must be about the British Motor Industry.  For Sale:  Automotive Climate Control  116 Years of Progress. A comprehensive his- tory of automotive HVAC systems. Paper  bound, 524 pages, more than 600 images,  time span 1897 to 2013. Available at all on  line booksellers $43.50 for printed version.  CD available exclusively from author $12.00  free shipping. Contact: Gene D. Dickirson, Wanted:  the Cugnot Non-English Award Committee is being reorganized to  put ourselves in a better position to review  nominations that arrive in many languages.   If you are a US or Canadian member and  reasonably fl uent in Spanish or one of the  Eastern European tongues, we can use your  help.  You can be ‘on call’ or a full commit- tee member.  The duties are not onerous.   Let us hear from you. Contact: Arthur Jones, 4 SAH Journal • March / April 2013 TARGA FLORIO REVISITEDTARGA […]


[…] disadvantages, the commercialization of his­ tory and possible advertiser influence, could be dealt with by a 2 March- April1994 strong Society administration . However, there’s still no free lunch. In order for the advertising policy to go into effect the Society must accept an added burden of administrative and clerical work for the Journal […]


[…] your support to Tay lo r Vinson, Kit Foster, Nan Martin, and Jim Cox. Each of these officers-e lec t has devoted a great deal of their free time and out-of-pocket expense to managing the Soc ie ty . Congratulation s and th anks to eac h of you, and to each of the […]


[…] speeds. Long cycle-type chains connected small sprockets at both ends of the counter­ shaft to large-diameter sprockets on the rear wheels. The wheel sprockets had a ratchet-type free-wheel device to obviate the need for a differential. This meant, of course, that the driver was completely dependent on the brake system to slow the car, […]


[…] 1999 Through Oct. 2000 Through Oct. 2001 Patrick R Foster Richard Scharchburg Leroy D. Cole Leslie M. Kendall Frederick Roe Paul Lashbrook Michael Lamm Sam Fiorani JosephS. Freeman PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE Patrick Foster, Chair Christopher G. Foster Samuel V. Fiorani Michael Lamm Taylor Vinson ADVERTISING MANAGER Ken Yerama 221 Freeport Drive Bloomingdale, IL 60 I […]


[…] Kendall Frederick Roe Michael Lamm Sam Fiorani PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE Patrick Foster, Chair Christopher G. Foster Samuel V. Fiorani Michael Lamm Taylor Vinson ADVERTISING MANAGER Ken Yerama 221 Freeport Drive Bloomingdale , IL 60 I 08 USA (630)893-1 058 PAST EDITORS Issues Richard B. Brigham 1-29 G. Marshall Naul 30-50 John Peckham 51-59 Walter Gosden […]


[…] Price: $110 ISBN-10: 0768095123 ISBN-13: 978-0768095128 Each of these books is about developing and  contesting race machines. They share in  common descriptions of the basic process of  development, testing leading to refi nements,  competitive running, usually followed by still  more refi nements, etc. They also share a com- mon thread clearly showing the ingenuity,  intelligence, creativity, and ability of team  individuals to perform under intense pressure.  Even with all the common threads, including  each being written by an insider, their stories  differ in important details, as you’ll read. –hvhDeveloping a Champion: The Electramotive  Nissan GTP Story is nothing short of splen- did at covering its subject which is docu- mentably supported information relevant  to IMSA and Nissan 1974 to 1989. It was  then absorbed by Nissan and became Nissan  Performance Technology, Inc (NPTI).   Self-published by Chris Willes, a fi rst- time writer who was one of the Electramotive  team engineers, the book does not contain  an index but a thorough and comprehen- sive one is available for inspection and  free  SAH Journal No. 308 • January / February 2021 14 • 800-253-2187 McFarla nd 310 pages $39.95 softcover (7 ¥10) 2021 191 photos, index ISBN […]


[…] a rs built by Nash, Hud son, Willy s, and AM C. He also has provid ed both counsel and lit era tur e, much of it free, to m any auto libraries and museums. ” Conde served as president of the Soci ety in 1984 and 1985, and is currently on the Board […]


[…] o tr; 10 a.m . to 5 p.m . Admi ssion, $3 .00 : Seniors, students with !D . childr en , $2 .00 ; under 5, free . Ca ll6l9 /522-6l40 . THE ITA LIAN ASSOC IATIO N FOR TH E HISTORY OF THE AU TOMOBIL E _ This new or ganizati on […]


[…] r for the s umm er O lympi c games seven yea r hen ce. Aft er drink s and dinn er, pre sid e nt joe Freeman thank ed Laur ent Fri ry fo r hi s ef fort s in arran gin g th e eve nin g with the ACF, and […]


[…] automotive writing was with Vol. I, number I of Motor Trend. He eventua lly became editor-in-chi ef of the pioneer postwar U.S. car magazine. He turned to freelancing in mid-1952 and in 1955 wrote his first article for Road & Track becoming a steady contributor right through recent year . Along with Eugene Jaderqui […]


[…] lete Minutes of the fall Board meeting will appear in journal 208. The Awards Banquet on Friday night was highlighted by the presentation of the J oe Free man (L) acce pts the congra tulatio ns o f D ale We ll s up on ass umin g th e pres iden cy of […]


[…] from a total of 122 donors. This and our fi rst campaign stemmed from the reality of paying for services that the Society has previously received for free, such as membership management. As fundraiser in my “day job,” I encouraged both campaigns, feeling this gave members who so wished an opportunity to support SAH […]


[…] for the various vehicles are provided in appendices . The books notable roster of contributing authors includes a number of SAH figures: Charles Betts, Kit Faster, Joseph Freeman , William Greer, Beverly Rae Kimes, Jack Martin, Keith Marvin , James Petrik, and Robert Titlow, as well as the editor, Raymond Katzell. Pre-publication orders that […]