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[…] be prepared each year in January and a Quarterly Report prepared on income and expenses to budget and supplied to Board members . If there are any questions about any of the 4 recommendations , please feel free to call me at 317-257-3225 and I will be happy to discuss your questions with you. […]


[…] 98070-1948 USA 206-304-3872 Copy Deadline for Journal 244 March 1, 2010 2 NEW YORK TO PARIS – 1908 Use PayPal and order online at www.thegrea or send your name and address with a cheque or Money Order for $35.44 ($29.99 + $5.45 S/H) to The 1908 Great Auto Race Film Company […]


[…] 1/8 x 10 13/16. Con­ sumer Guide Classic Car Bi-Monthly, 3481 Oakton St. Skokie, Ill. 60076, July 1980. $2.95 This is a welcome work in the la test series of publications by the editors of Consumer Guide coming hard on the heels of that publisher’s Cars of the 30’s reviewed in April’s SAH News­ […]


[…] Ave. N.W., Gr~ Rapids, MI. ~95’04: I found out some time ago tnat a fi J. Paul Kerlin- 7332 N. 3~th Ave., Phoenix, AZ, 8?021 was a test driver for Continental Oars built in Franklin, Indiana (1010-191~? Indiana Motor & Manufacturing Co.). He said the last cars made were not sold, but sent to […]


[…] thenext hundred yearsmany more, inboth Europe andtheUnited States,wouldtrytobuild their ownvehicle orm e sometechnological improvementon a particular parttoadvance thecause. On September 21,1893, twobrothers, CharlesE.and 1. Frank Duryea, successfully testedinSpringfield, M sachusetts, what isnow generally regarded the first American horseless carriage withag oline engine.” Theygained further notoriety 6 for their invention twoyears laterwhen, onNovember 28,their two-cylinder […]


[…] F rid ay we gathered at joe Freeman’s garage where he has a beautiful den and confere nce room upstairs. We covere d many formalities and new questions a b ou t w hat SA H is d oi ng or shou ld be doing , and you will read ab ou t these […]


[…] History Review   The editor is responsible  for the publication of the Society’s  magazine, Automotive History Review.  While the by-laws do not establish a  publication schedule, in recent years  the Review has been published twice  yearly.    The editor solicits and  receives articles from members  and non-members. As a general  rule, these articles should not have  been published elsewhere, except  that English-language translations  of articles fi rst published abroad  are acceptable. Submission of  manuscripts in electronic format  is encouraged. The editor reviews  each article for consistency with SAH  style, and amends the manuscript to  accord with that style. Where there  are substantive  questions the answer  to which may require revisions to the  manuscript, the editor dialogues with  the writer to resolve the questions.  When the editor is satisfi  ed that  the article is publishable, she or he  chooses a peer reviewer and submits  the article for comment.   The editor oversees the  production, printing, and mailing of  the Review, choosing the production  staff and the printer, who submit  invoices to the treasurer for payment.  The editor mails two complimentary  copies to the author of each article  published and one to the author of  each abstract from an auto history  conference.   Unless otherwise elected  to the Society’s Board of Directors,  the editor is not a member of the  board, but is invited by the president  to attend the board’s semi-annual  meetings, one of which is at Hershey  […]


[…] will become easily exasperated with a bumbling interviewer . You must be competent , honest and sincere . Admit your ignorance and demonstrate your knowledge by the questions you may ask. These qualit ies come first as a result of a strong pre-interv iew preparation . Secondly , they come as a result ot […]


[…] June frrst deadline. It is encouraged ,/ that nominators include a copy of the work being nominated, or, in the case of the Brigham Award, a representative sample of the publication’s issues. Send nominations to Howard L. Applegate, P.O. Box 514, Mt. Gretna, PA 17064 USA. 3 March-April 1991 1990 SILENT AUCTION Nearly 90 […]


[…] It’s a 1933 Alfa Romeo 8C Monza (chassis 2211112). The car’s placard reads: “The Alfa Romeo Monza 8C 2300 was a pure race car which was modified for sports car competition by adding fenders and lights. In either form the Monza was highly successful on track or roads. They were among the fastest cars […]


1 M AY / JUNE 2017 ISSUE 286 SAH Journal $5.00 US SAH Journal1R‡0D-XQH 2 Contents A RESEARCH TOOL AND SKILL: SEARCHING PDF FILES ON YOUR COMPUTER BOOK REVIEW SAH Journal ISSUE 286 • MAY/J UNE 2017 3 4 12/1 2/14/16/18/110/1 Jan/Feb Mar/AprMay/JunJul/AugSep/OctNov/Dec 1/31 3/315/317/319/3011/30 Deadline: Mailed: Issue: Submission Deadlines: Note: the SAH Journal […]


[…] was intro­ duced to use up the Healey-designed bodies when the switch was made to the Farina-design­ ed body in 1952. And it could have been a test bed for the AUSTIN-HEALEY using the more readily available Austin A90 engine, first introduced in 1952. From Frank T. Sn yd er, Jr., Hackensack, New Jersey. […]

2024 Argetsinger Symposium – Call for Papers

[…] graphics that will accompany their presentations for review and approval, and a final version of same by October 21st. Abstracts can be submitted in either Word or PDF documents. Presentations, including slides, video, film, or other visual techniques, must be limited to 35-40 minutes, including time for questions and answers. Presenters, in person at […]


[…] Gosden contributed a copy of an item in the February 1914 issue of Cyclecar & Motorette which states that the Valley Boat & Engine Company was road- testing a cyclecar ofits own which would probably be named the Faultless, a name applied to Valley’s line of motor boats. This car does not appear to […]


[…] email to receive a “Title Priced Want List”  from Warth Motor Book Buyer. Contact: Tom Warth +1.612.801.5335 email: Wanted: Contributors for The SAH  Journal. The editor greatly appreciates  those that have stepped forward, but we  need more, now is the time to engage! Please  contact your editor directly. Thank you! Wanted: A new edition of the Dalton  Watson book, Rolls-Royce in America  by  John W. de Campi is being prepared. The  book will be faithful to the original, but  with extensive changes to the tables and  much additional material, including lists  of cars with fi rst delivery to America and  an update on Rolls-Royce US models and  history since the original publication in  1975. The aim is to cover the subject as  exhaustively and inclusively as possible. If  you have material (photographic/printed),  information (sources/contacts) relevant  to the history of Rolls-Royce in America,  please contact your editor. Thank you! T he la test issue of  Automotive History  Review was mailed early in February.  Current members who have not received a  copy may email the editor (kit@kitfoster. com) or write to AHR at 1102 Long Cove  Road, Gales Ferry, CT 06335-1812 USA  and a replacement will be sent.    The editor is embarrassed that the Table  of Contents listed an incorrect author for  Daniel Strohl’s very interesting article about  Henry Ford’s Green Island village industry  in Upstate New York. Apologies to Dan for  marring his AHR debut. Automotive History Review No.54 Wanted:  by author Peter Larsen: I am  writing a book on the French carrossier  Jacques Saoutchik. Two specifi c items have  come up:   1) In 1927 Jacques Saoutchik went  […]


[…] cars built? FAULTLESS HAILS FROM SAGINAW Centralization of Driving Mechanism Noted in New Cycle­ car Which Is Offered by the Valley Boat & Engine Company. R OAD tests are now being made with the first cyclecar produced by the Valley Boat & Engine Company, of Saginaw, Mich. While no definite announcement has been made, […]


[…] is said the SHAD-WYCK used a 14-lnch diam­ eter headlight which was the largest listed, as well as 36 candlepower lamps which was by far the brigh test of that listing. Are there existing records for Duesenberg Motors which would indicate that such engines were actually sold to Shadburne Bros.? If Indeed, the SHAD-WYCK […]


[…] te d in th e Tea c h e r R eso ur ce Guid e at http :! I www .o m an .o r g/ pdfs / AOM_ Teac he r_ Reso urce _Guid e3.pdf . F o r se rio u historian s, M oto rc ycl e will no t […]


[…] another accessory for your machine, one that can normally be pur­ chased from Radio Shack or an electronic accessory supplier. But again you must be prepared. Thoroughly test and check out the installation before you attempt to do any phone interviewing. I have seen recorders where the set up –would work fine -but ONLY […]


[…] 2021 4 (Editor’s note: Inspired by his review of  Louise Ann Noeth’s new book,  Bonneville Salt Flats (see p. 11), author Ken Gross shares some of  Bonneville’s history as a primer on the subject and to inspire the reader  to learn more—as can be gleaned in the new book—and, as said at  the end of his review, to “entice you to visit” Bonneville.) G listening in the relentless sun, 110 miles west of Salt Lake  City, Bonneville represents a rare phenomenon of nature. Its  broad, seemingly endless span of iridescent white salt stretches to  the horizon, framed by pale gray mountains. In the foreground, a  few times each year, you’ll fi nd brightly colored streamlined racing  cars, plastered with decals and white salt spray, often fresh from a  high−speed run. Yet nothing really prepares you for the majesty of  Bonneville itself, until you’re standing there. The blazing sun beats  down like a furnace blast, the panoramic view is breathtaking, and  when a racecar roars past, running fl at out, its tortured engine  shrieking at maximum revs, the rippling exhaust note fairly smacks  you. As each speeding car streaks by, its roaring exhaust note echoes  far into the distance, and just stops suddenly. Then it’s so quiet you  can’t believe what’s just happened.    Real racing at Bonneville began in 1914, fi  rst with speed exhibi− tions and staged con tests, and then with “Terrible Teddy” Tetzlaff,  who managed a torrid 142.8 mph timed dash in his 300−hp Blitzen  Benz. However, the American Automobile Association (AAA), which sanctioned most racing, ignored Tetzlaff ’s feat. Most speed  attempts at that time were held on the smooth sands of the Ormond  and Daytona Beaches in Florida. Hotels and infrastructure made  those destinations popular, but the narrow beach course indirectly  contributed to the death of Indy 500 winner Frank Lockhart in  1928, when a tire blew on his streamlined Stutz Black Hawk and  his car fl ipped. Had there been runoff room, Lockhart might have  survived. Although it was located “in the middle of nowhere,”  Bonneville’s broad salt surface made racing sense.   Meet David Abbott “Ab” Jenkins, who would become a big  proponent of the salt fl ats over several decades. Jenkins came  up with a great idea for Pierce−Arrow to help publicize its new  Special Twelve—grueling 24−hour endurance runs. Refi ning  his  long−distance driving technique over two years, in 1933 the clean− living, tee−totaling Jenkins single−handedly drove a stripped−down  Pierce−Arrow V12 roadster 3,000 miles over a ten−mile course in  25½ hours, breaking European records set by Bugatti, Delage and  Voisin and attracting the interest of the reigning British “Speed  Kings,” Reid Railton and Captain George E.T. Eyston.   Bonneville was about to expand internationally. Ab Jenkins  convinced Sir Malcolm Campbell, holder of eight world land speed  […]