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AHR Contents Index

[…] history. More than 60 issues have now been published. This page provides a table of contents for every issue of the Review, with links to the corresponding pdf. You can get a sense of the topics covered in the Review by scrolling down the page. You can use browser search (Control-F) to find topics […]


[…] CENTERHERITAGE CENTER T he weather in Flint proved kind as  the Society of Automotive Historians  Board of Directors and guests met for the  spring Board Meeting April 25th through  April 27th. Breathing a huge sigh of relief  was meeting organizer and SAH Vice Presi- dent, John Heitmann, who worked hard to  plan a very informative and enjoyable event.  Thanks should also go to Leroy Cole who  was an entertaining host and tour guide to  Flint and its environs.   Thursday’s Board meeting ran so  smoothly it was almost completed by  lunchtime. This allowed plenty of time for  enjoying the fi  ne food and step-back-in time  prices at the Temple Dining Room, long the  favorite gathering spot for Flint’s movers and  shakers in years past.   Friday offered a look at GM’s future  though a tour of its Powertrain Labs in  Pontiac. There engineers  test automobile  and truck engines and drive trains to meet  extreme conditions at very early stages in  development, before putting them in ve- hicles. This results in more designs being  tested faster and at lower cost.  But for us historians the day would  not be complete without a look into GM’s  past. This was accomplished with a visit  to the GM Heritage Center, housed in an  inconspicuous industrial park in Sterling  Heights. Greg Wallace, manager of the  facility, walked us through an eclectic col- lection of concept cars, which included  several Corvettes, the 2004 Nomad concept  car and the Buick Y Job, the old—1902  Cadillac Runabout and 1920 Cadillac Type  59C, which was designed by Harley Earl  for Don Lee, and the new—a 2007 Chevy  Tahoe, a self-driving SUV. Also on display  were engines, including Cadillac’s V16 and  V12, full-size billboard and neon signs— revenue producers, according to Wallace,  which help defray the costs of the center, a  Parade of Progress Futurliner and the fi rst  microprocessor-based engine control.   […]


[…] ofthis article. 1I111~,IiIll~ ~111112:11I11 1II11-=”III~ Il.!;;=;;;;”;;;;===========~ 11111i’llllll ~ ~S~g ~~~~ “IU”” .1l:===========;;;;….;=;;;; ‘,~ ‘l .” :. ~l ,.—- If /, .. ” ~ . , , !—- test pieces forstudents ofadvertising format-more specif- ically, inthe preparation ofsales promotion literature.The cars illustrated (notbadly dr n buthardly imaginative) were plain indesign, whichfurther indicates thatthel out w […]


[…] Ford, use an engine and mechanicals of British origin, in this case the VAUXHALL Viva 1256 cc unit and is generally laid out to meet the same objectives. Of simple construction with a ladder frame to take any body type, a 91.5-inch wheelbase and a 1300-lb. payload capacity, its initial production was at Tamplii, […]


[…] DavidG.Styles, Ph.D., sentin”Alfa Avio” and”Riley’s Venture IntoAviation,” aswell asthe lay- outs, thatweare using. David wonthe Society’s CugnotAwardforAsOld asthe Industry (1982)anditsAward of Distinction forSporting Rileys:The Forgotten Champions (1988).Hisla test work onRiley isBeyond theBlue Diamond (1998). Davidhasalso previously appeared in the Review with’The Riley Cycle Company” (IssueNo.22,p.15) and “Riley Nine: TheWonder Car”(Issue No.28,p. 19), aswell asauthoring […]


[…] estate business withsome ofhis wife’s relatives. Soonprosperous, in1876 hewitnessed anex- periment thatsharply changed hiscareer. InW hington, the city authorities putdown an phalt pavement onPenn- sylvania Avenue a test venture. Gr ping thepossibilities of this innovation, Barberplunged into phalt paving.The Barber Asphalt PavingCompany enjoyedgratifying success. By 1892 ithad paved streets insome 30cities anddominated the industry. […]


[…] important as the closed body gained greater acceptance requiring the banishing of anything that might create creaks and groans in the closed body. The following is a sample of 1907 makes that used the platform arrangement at the rear: Atlas, American, American Mors, American Napier, Cleveland, English Daimler, Logan, Martine, Panhard and Rainier. Specifica- […]


[…] April 2021 3 President’s PerspectivePresident’s Perspective Random Thoughts No. 1. I t occurred to me as I prepared my remarks  as a member of a panel for the topic, “An  Automotive Century,” at Ave Maria Univer- sity several years ago, that we have certainly  lived in a dynamic era. I imagined how  someone looking at the world of New Year’s  Day 1801 would then attempt to consider  that same world on New Year’s Eve 1900, as  the century ended. The worlds of New Year’s  Day 1901 and that of New Year’s Eve 2000  may have some vague similarities, but the  ubiquity of the automobile and its impact  would still surprise that observer from the  beginning of the 20th century. At the end  of the 19th century, the railroad was the  fas test mode of land transportation and the  coal-powered steamer on water. If the 19th  century was the Steam Age, it was also an  age that depended largely upon a fossil fuel,  coal, to create the energy needed to power  the steam engines. Although another fossil  fuel, oil, was beginning to make an impact  by the end of the 19th Century, coal was  still the primary source for providing the  necessary power for the age. Electricity also  began to make its way into the fabric of that  century during its latter decades.   Only in the waning years of the 19th  Century did the automobile begin to make an appearance upon the scene. When the  20th Century dawned, the number of au- tomobiles worldwide numbered only in the  several thousands. When the century ended,  automobiles numbered in the millions upon  millions. Roads for the automobile prolif- erated as the century opened, altering the  landscape, both urban and rural.   As historians, we tend to be really good  at explaining the events of the past, but  our track record for “predicting” the future  often leaves a great deal to be desired. We  […]


[…] There wasn’t anything that he wouldn’t dig to try and find. His interests ran the full gamut, from the earliest single cylin­ der motorcycle to the la test rocket that put the Russians and Americans in space together. If it was a mode of This summer has been a bad one for the Society […]


[…] he has fashioned in many ways a corrective and clarifying history. As the clear-eyed author states in his introduction: “It’s not the intention of this book to simply repeat already-available information. Excellent books and articles have been written on the subject of the Duesenberg brothers and their company, and the Model J in particular. […]


[…] the Constitution, but it was not possible to cover it in detail. The old question of “what is a make?” was again part of the talk, plus questions concerning where information may be located. While no action was taken on any business, it is readily apparent that there is much work which can be […]


[…] one with the article on the 1962 and 1963 Thunderbird Sports Roadsters . Already the 1980s are truly “history.” At this point in the nineties, the significant questions raised by the events of the previous decade have been answered, such as whether Lee Iacocca will be able to save Chrysler Corporation, and whether the […]


[…] the Sioux Falls city directory for 1913 was probably gathered in 1912, which would account for the listing in the 1913 book. ————————————————————— ——————— INFORMATION EXCHANGE – QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS WANTED: Information on FINA SPORT manufactured by Fina Imported Motor Car Co., NYC, headed by Perry Fina, 1954. Presumed only 6 were constructed, one […]


[…] worth the e ffort come up with a catalo g equal to this ? If so, I would lik e to hea r a bout it. Re search Column W a nted : Inf ormation on the Staver Carri age Co., Chicago. This compan y produc ed an automobile for years of 1907 to […]

Links to Online Automotive History

[…] KPMG Global Environmental Study Safety History Volkswagen Dieselgate Review BBC Volkswagen Dieselgate Review Financial Times How Volkswagen’s Defeat Device Worked Enthusiast and Other Auto Websites Antique Road Test, The, with Walt Gosden and John Salemmo American Automobile History 1981-1929, by Royal Feltner Ate Up With Motor Automobile and American Life, The Automotive History, from […]


[…] elsewhere. Submission of manuscripts in electronic format is encour – aged. The editor reviews and amends each article for consistency with SAH style. Where there are substantive questions, the answers to which may require revisions to the manuscript, the editor works with the writer to resolve the questions. When the editor is satisfied that […]


[…] rut ed States , alle­ gat io ns of h eavy- hand ed gove rnance h ave been brought against it<> m an age­ ment , and questions have bee n raised about who i s g ran te d an d , more sig nifi ­ ca nd y , denied press passes […]


[…] 24 Heures de Francorchamps held on the always daunting  Spa-Francorchamps circuit. Following the  lead of its French companion, the Spa 24- hour event was originally for sporting cars,  which then morphed into sports cars, of  course. Between 1924 and 1938 there were  two gaps, 1935 and 1937, then following the  war events in 1948 and 1949, then another  gap until the 1953 race. Those last two  events, 1949 and 1953, were won by drivers  at the wheels of Ferraris, Luigi Chinetti and  Jean Lucas and then Nino Farina and Mike  Hawthorn, respectively.   In 1964, the 24-hour race was revived  as an event for touring cars, with the last  such event held in 2000. Grand Touring  cars took over in 2001 and continued to  do so until today. If this surprises you, do  not feel alone. It is doubtful that other than  devotees, scarcely more than a few souls  have a clue about these races. As it happens,  the author got the idea for the book while  answering  questions from a young motor- ing journalist during the 2013 edition of  the race.   Although it always seems to be some- thing of a cliché when it appears in a review,  this is defi  nitely one case where stating that a  gap is actually being fi  lled by a book is quite  true.   Recently, Blumlein turned his attention  to another aspect of endurance racing that  certainly deserves that attention: the endur- ance races for production sporting and sports  cars held at the Brooklands Motor Course  beginning in 1926 and coming to an end  in 1938. In Brooklands, the Sports Car En- durance Races, the author once again dares  to tread where few others have. For those  interested in all-things-Brooklands, their  […]


[…] prese nted by th e me mb ers. W e h ave a potential goldmin e of data and I think that an yo ne w ho questions th e veraci ty of that s tate m e nt need look no further than in the back issues of this publi cation and THE […]


[…] should have a copy, and who would probably want to become a member, send his name and address. Future issues will be mailed only to members, but sample copies will always be available for interested prospects. The one nd only memhers.hip requiTel!len! _is an interest in th~ __ J)_reservation _Q_ f the history of […]