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Meetings & Events

Wheels Across the Pacific Symposium

The Automotive Historians Australia (AHA) and the SAH have co-convened a one-day online symposium for their members on September 18, 2022 in North America and March September 19, 2022 in Australia.

Fifteen to twenty minute presentations are being sought that address the shared transnational histories of the automotive industry, exploring ways in which the Australian and American auto industries shared expertise, skills, staff, design and studio practices, engineering, business and management structures, advertising, parts and components, and trade practices. Ten presentations are planned for the main session, and then three presentations and a round-table discussion for the second session.

Start time is scheduled for 5:00 PM EST on Sunday, September 18, 2022 in North America, concluding around 1:00 AM EST on Monday, September 19, for all thirteen sessions and the round-table. (4/8/22)

Click here for the Call for Papers (CFP). Abstracts are due June 30, 2022!