Who We Are

The Society of Automotive Historians (SAH), founded in 1969, is an eclectic community of professional and amateur historians, academic scholars, automotive journalists and publishers, museum and library professionals, educational and cultural institutions, car collectors and restorers, and general automotive enthusiasts. Our 650 members reside in 25 countries, and 20% of our members reside outside the United States.

While our members have varied backgrounds and automotive interests, they all share the common goals of researching, compiling, distributing and promoting any and all aspects of automotive history.

Recent Events

Sixth Annual Michael R. Argetsinger Symposium for International Motor Racing History, November 4th and 5th. 

The Sixth Annual Michael R. Argetsinger Symposium for International Motor Racing History, in Watkins Glen, NY, was co-hosted by the International Motor Racing Research Center (IMRRC) and the SAH. The open-to-the-public in-person symposium was live streamed at the Watkins Glen International Media Center, located in the track infield, thanks to the generous support and technical expertise of Eric Monterastelli of Gran Touring Motorsports.

Two full days of presentation sessions included fifteen half-hour individual presentations and one round table discussion. Several Symposium presenters Zoomed from Australia, Belgium, Italy, Scotland and New Zealand. Keynote speaker Buz McKim, renowned NASCAR historian, presented “Moonshine and Its Connection to the American Auto Industry.” The Watkins Glen Area Chamber of Commerce generously sponsored a recepetion at the IMRRC on Friday evening. 

For a list of sessions held each day, courtesy of the IMRRC, click: Friday, November 4th and Saturday, November 5th.  Audio recordings and ideos of each session will be released at a future date. (11/28/22)

Third European Conference for Automotive History, October 14th through 16th.

The third European Conference for Automotive History was held at MAuto, Museo Nazionale dell’Automobile, in Turin. The conference was organized jointly by Thomas Ulrich of the AHG in Germany and Anders Ditlev Clausager of the SAHB in the UK, with sponsorship from FIVA (Fédération Internationale des Véhicules Anciens). Eighteen half-hour English language presentations were made to ninety attendees from twenty countries. One of the premier European automobile museums proved to be an excellent conference venue. Conference participants toured the archives and preservation facilities at MAuto and visited the Stellantis Heritage Hub in the Mirafiori factory and the Fiat Centro Storico downtown in an original F.I.A.T. building. (Skip McGoun, 11/15/22)

2022 Eastern Division AACA National Fall Meet in Hershey, PA, October 4th through October 7th. 

We resumed our customary big-tent presence on the flea market Orange Field this year and were happy to see Hershey Week resemble something close to “normal.” Tuesday was the obligatory foul weather day this year, but by Thursday and Friday the sun was shining and the temps were comfortable. For the first time, our Annual General Meeting took place at the tent Wednesday afternoon; the session went well and after the required reports a lively discussion ensued among the dozen attendees about the future of the SAH. The Fall Board Meeting was held at the Hershey Country Club Wednesday evening, the Annual Book Signing took place Thursday afternoon at the tent with 16 authors in attendance, and the Annual Awards Banquet was held Thursday evening at the Hershey Country Club. The Fall Board Meeting minutes will be posted to the members section of the website in the near future. (10/17/22)

Wheels Across the Pacific: Transnational Histories of the Automotive Industry, September 17th. 

The Automotive Historians Australia (AHA) and the SAH co-convened a one-day online symposium for their members on 9/17. Ten speakers presented nine papers, exploring ways in which the Australian and North American auto industries shared parts and components, staff, expertise and skills, engineering, design and studio practices, business and management structures, and advertising and trade practices. Download the symposium program. (10/16/22)

2022 SAH Awards

2022 Carl Benz Award, was presented to:

“Upward Mobility: The Low-Cost Luxury Cars of 1966” by Kit Foster. Published in the October, 2021 issue of Collectible Automobile. This ten-page article surveys the domestic manufacturers’ luxury variants of their full size cars; the AMC Ambassador DPL, the Chevrolet Caprice, the Ford LTD and the Plymouth VIP. The Benz Award recognizes excellence in the presentation of automotive history as an article in a commercial, club or academic periodical. 

2022 Richard & Grace Brigham Award, was presented to:

Rare and Unique Vehicles. Now in the third year of publication,  this quarterly periodical is edited and published by Pál Négyesi. Shown is the cover of volume 1, number 4, from 2021. The Brigham Award is presented to the commercial, institutional or club automotive history periodical, printed or digital, that represents the most exemplary editorial, graphic or historical content published in a given calendar year. Award evaluations are based on issues for the entire calendar year, rather than a single issue.

2022 Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot Award, English Language, was presented to:

Delage: Records & Grand Prix by Daniel Cabart and Sébastien Faurés Fustel de Coulanges. Published in 2021 by OREP Editions.
In addition, Cugnot Awards of Distinction, English Language, were presented to:
Joseph Figoni Le Grand Couturier de la Carrosserie Automobile Alfa Romeo, Volume One, by Peter M. Larsen & Ben Erickson. Published in 2021 by Moteurs!
Tom Tjaarda: Master of Proportions, by Gautam Sen. Published in 2021 by Dalton Watson Fine Books.

2022 Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot Award, Language other than English, was presented to:

Mercedes-Benz C 111, by Gerhard Heidbrink, Joachim Hack and Wolfgang Kalbhenn. Published by Motorbuch Verlag.

The Cugnot Awards, both English Language and Language other than English, are awarded to one or more books published in a given calendar year that best advance the understanding of the history of the automobile. Traditional automotive histories, including those focused on vehicles, manufacturers, individuals and events, as well as social histories of the automobile that examine the effect of the automobile on society, culture, and everyday life, are eligible for the Cugnot.

2022 Friend of Automotive History Award, was presented to:

Donald C. Davidson, Indianapolis Motor Speedway historian, who retired at the end of 2020 after a nearly six decade association with the IMS. The FOAH Award recognizes an individual who has made a profound contribution to the automotive history community and the historical record.

2022 Richard P. Scharchburg Student Paper Awards, were presented to:

Graduate student Mark P. Forbes for his paper “Models of Automotive Firms Past and Present: Insights from Transaction Cost Economics and Industrial History.” Mr. Forbes is a PhD student at McMaster University in Canada.

Undergraduate student William Thompson for his paper “The Automobile and Black Americans.” Mr. Thompson is an undergraduate student at the University of South Carolina.

The Society confers the Scharchburg Awards to encourage research and writing in automotive history among university students.

Congratulations to all of the 2022 award recepients and nominees for their exceptional contributions to the field of automotve history.

SAH Membership Levels

$20 (US) Annual Digital Membership   
Digital pdf’s of the SAH Journal & the Automotive History Review delivered via email.

 $50 (US) Annual Print Membership      US/Canada/Mexico
Printed hard copies of the SAH Journal & the Automotive History Review delivered via postal service.

 $60 (US) Annual Print Membership 
Printed hard copies of the SAH Journal & the Automotive History Review delivered via postal service.

SAH Membership Benefits and Publications

Click the Log In/Join tab at the top of this homepage to join or to renew your membership, over the web or by a printable mail-in form.


  • Six bi-monthly issues of the 16-page SAH Journal.
  • One annual issue of the 96-page Automotive History Review.
  •  Advance notice of SAH-related conferences & events.
  •  Access to Members Only sections of the SAH website, which includes:
    1. Digital Membership Roster searchable by name, location and interests.
    2. 50 years of back issues of the SAH Journal and the Automotive History Review, and their predecessors.
    3. Thousands of current-day photos of historic vehicles for member use in their articles and books.
    4. Research resources.
    5. Unpublished manuscripts.